View single post by Notemanz
 Posted: Mar 12th, 2008 12:48 PM
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Joined: Nov 27th, 2007
Posts: 144
Very interesting indeed! However, if O'neill wished to not divulge the "real" design, he would be undermining all that his benefactor dreamed of.  It was Meek that took the heat and subsequently was not taken seriously.  To me, we must question motives. If O'neill was only interested in contact for himself and a select group, why have the circus sideshow that was the press conference?

Mueller if in spirit a compassionate being, might've have considered the consequences for Meek and in fact, why wouldn't he have explained all to Meek and O'neill before putting on the "show" for the world to see.

Mueller was incredibly detailed on everything but the most important thing: whether or not this was proper to share this with the world. 

The above assumes that Spiricom was real, which I personally do not assume.

I hope that beings from other planes have a sense of compassion for us mere mortals.  Mueller's supposed attitude strikes me as highly questionable if in fact, he was really there....

Great thread!

John D