View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 06:44 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Yep, Minnesota and going against the fact that my arcade machines made it through last year in there, I decided to bring several things in as space would allow in our basement. With our house being for sale, it's obviously wise to move or hide from view anything not pleasing to the eye...the oscilloscope's fine retro lines didn't cut it lol. To be fair, that was my opinion, my wife is a rare soul, in part because right now the dining table is full of bits of electrical stuff, wires, soldering iron. We get to chat while watching TV, so it seems to suit :)

The TR-410 is indeed a banana plug type ($25 off Ebay last year) and i'll certainly heed the coax suggestion. A PC spectrum analyser is something else too..though my thoughts were that if it takes readings from sound, as those i've seen seem to, the upper limits of the soundcard won't be enough. Do I use another method ?
What I don't want is stray field effects mucking up the readings. I might be after stray field effects in one way of thinking about it, but, forming reliable data is the thing.

Could you suggest a method of transducer construction ? it's another first build.