View single post by Jeff
 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 03:45 PM
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Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
Posts: 127
Excellent!  Now, as you know, the short distance will resonate most likely above 20kHz, maybe well into the RF spectrum.  In that case, you will have to construct the transducer (fork) out of low-mass material; and with fairly long tines, isolated from the case.

If, while testing, resonance indeed happens over 20k, and I believe it will, you will have to construct  a heterodyne circuit to harmonically resonate within the human hearing spectrum, if you desire to hear what is happening.  If not, simply connect an oscilloscope across the terminals and video tape the activity while interviewing Spirit contacts.  Actually, that would more intelligently lead you forward in this.  You could record the amplitude of frequencies of the activity, as well as the spectrum of frequencies.

A lot could be learned here!  Keep up the good work!



Last edited on Mar 6th, 2008 03:46 PM by Jeff