View single post by TT
 Posted: Feb 4th, 2008 07:37 PM
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Joined: Jan 29th, 2008
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 32
Hello Holly,

I am very new here as well as I just became a board member on the 29th of Janruary. 

I purchased all the equipment and software and after a few days of "practicing" I felt I could get a good file but I couldn't denoise, or amplify etc. My files would always come out distorted to the point that I thought they were worthless.

I have been extremely fortunate to have had my first contact that I am aware of today. Surprisingly it is not so much the filtration of the files that you do but it is more becoming accustomed to listening to the files. The voices are there but often times we are preconditioned to tune out things we find illegible at first and often overlook things. Hence why cleaning up the files makes it just easier for us to hear them initially.

I have been reviewing my own files today and cleaning them up and finding more things said that I intially missed. Going back over the raw file later I pick it up clearer then the one I edited. I cannot explain how it is just how it is working out. I think it is just because I am learning to listen to a different form of speech.

As for the settings of your programs, maybe someone here could help you filter your files initially to help you play with your own settings to see what they will sound like. I know that was a huge help to me. Then when I understood what others were doing to the files I was able to pick out pieces for myself and filter them.  I am still very new to it and still find I miss more then I get but with the help of others on the board I feel I am moving along at a lightning pace when I thought it would be months till my first contact.

As one side note. Others here warned me as well about protecting myself and they cannot be more correct. Make sure you are in the right frame of mind for this and calm and relaxed. I seem to have had a mischievious one want to make itself known to me on my recording and it was most definitely very clearly a class A recording. Which means it was very clear and very legible with no filtration at all. Prior to that a woman told me in the same recording to protect myself.

Fortunately I do not scare easily and I whole-heartedly believe that my guardian spirits are always with me and they will protect me as well.

I hope this information helps and if I can be of any assistance please let me know but again I am still an infant in my own experimentation so it would be more of just being able to say what I have been doing.
