View single post by TT
 Posted: Jan 30th, 2008 02:34 PM
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Joined: Jan 29th, 2008
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 32
Thank you again Misty for the support and Vicki that is a very generous offer and very much appreciated. I have PM'd you her full name. If there is any other information you need please send me a message and I will send you anything you need.

Misty I believe that is the case as well and have done a great deal of reading thus far. I am aware of the mindset needed however I am not sure of how well mine is at any given time.

I have no fear of an afterlife as I always believed there has to be something more but never had any idea of what it would be. From reading others comments it pushes up my hope that much more of something being there.

I try to get myself to a good frame of mind for the testing I am doing at this time by surpressing the grief and believing that she is there. I look at pictures of her and of our wedding day. I listen to the song over and over of Fur Elise as that is what she was teaching me to play on the piano. The room however is in a bit of disarray as I was too scatter brained to make it the calming atmosphere by cleaning up all the packaging and wires and such. So my goal today is to get the room we spent the most time in, in order and to get the equipment in order then to continue testing this evening.

I feel I am not impatient in that although I would like results as soon as possible I am well aware it was 3 months before the other gentleman had any luck at all. I am quite willing to wait as long as it takes but I am not giving up.

I will post again in the other forum my results and setup this evening  as I feel I am a clown putting together the space shuttle. Hopefully with all the experience of people on this board they may be able to give input and advice in improving my methods.

Sincerely thank you both again for your kind words and assistance.