View single post by Bruce
 Posted: Jan 17th, 2008 05:33 AM
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Joined: Dec 12th, 2007
Location: Dunedin, Florida USA
Posts: 38
Notemanz wrote: How were these tones generated Bruce? I've also made loops of spiricom tones and I must say, my version is markedly different than those I've heard on Spiricom.

Can you tell us how your tone set was generated and how these were blended. Were all tones put down unity gain?

I'm hearing a 5th (harmonically speaking) Root and perhaps an octave. Are the other tones lower in volume?


These tones were generated using a piece of software called, NCH Tone/Waveform Generator available for free download at  It's simple and easy to use to generate single or simultaneous multiple tones in a variety of waveforms and gain levels.

The 13 tones I posted were generated simultaneously, one set being sine waves and the other triangle waveform.  All tones were set to the same gain level, although the software lets you set them individually if you prefer.

All generated tones are at the same gain and there are harmonics generated also depending on the waveform chosen.  If memory serves correct the sine wave will have only the even numbered harmonics and the triangle form will have both odd and even harmonics.  Hence the "richer" sound for the triangle form.

Another piece of software you really ought to have is something to analyze the frequency content of a set of tones.  A good free one is the Right Mark Audio Analyzer available free at  This will take the guesswork out of what frequencies are present at what amplitudes.  It outputs a nice easy to read graphic of the frequency content.



Last edited on Jan 17th, 2008 05:41 AM by Bruce