View single post by NS-EVP
 Posted: Jan 6th, 2008 11:42 AM
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Joined: Oct 27th, 2007
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 62
Hi Bruce & Laura,

Thanks for confirming what I can hear Laura.

Bruce, I'm not sure if I ever did post here my spoecific methods and equipment as I am involved with several different forums at once (including my own at pardon the plug hehe) and I'm starting to forget where I posted what if it's more than a week

Anyhow, I've tried so many different methods to see what might be effective, I decided just to follow the "kiss" rule (keep it simple stupid) and revert to what I was doing when I was getting lots of EVP's, which was basically just a fan and a recorder of some type. I agree with what many people say about the fan noise, there's something about it that seems to do the trick for the entities. I've tried so many different background noises at different intensities there's too many to list here, but in general, I've tried running water, the fan (several different fans actually) the spiricom tones aquired here, the EVP assistant tones in all combinations including it's version of spiricom tones, background noise from an electronic noise generator unit (one of those handheld things that provide soothing sounds), which include digital white noise, waterfall, waves, ocean to name a few, and I've even created my own backgound sounds by prounouncing all of the vowels a, e, i, o, u, and then overlapped them all with audition to play all together in one file, and looped that recording to play continuously.

In this particular experiment, I have the output of my PC connected to a disco mixer, and the output of the disco mixer goes to a small audio amp which has speakers connected to it. I sometimes use the speakers built into my flatscreen monitor, but find the sound is not as "rich".

I"m using Adobe audition 1.5 to play the spiricom tones for background noise, using the first tone with the triangle waves. The tone is not manipulated in any way by the mixer, just played through it. In the past I've used the mixer to "mix" several different sounds together in the output, including an input microphone for my voice, and white noise from an air band radio tuned to different frequencies, but usually to 132Mhz, and even the output of an HP 8011A pulse generator to supply different tones, but I did none of that this time, just played the tone through the mixer and amp, and had a fan running also.

I recorded via 3 digital voice recorders simultaniously, an Olympus WS-300M recorder, a Sony B26 recorder, and an RCA RP5013A digital recorder, all set to their lowest settings. All of these recorders had a Sony ECM-DS70P external stereo microphone connected to them.

Upon reviewing these recordings, no EVP were present that I could hear in a 10 minute recording, except for the one I posted here, which only showed up on the RCA recorder. Interestingly enough, the RCA recorder is by far the noisiest recorder, so noisy in fact that my voice can barely be heard over the spiricom tones, it was very garbled while the spiricom tones were playing, but after I stopped the spiricon tones, you can hear for yourself what my voice sounded like with the fan only, it was reasonable recognisable. Perhaps the success of the RCA recording was solely due to the large amount of the device's internal noise, and had nothing to do with background sounds at all.

Perhaps she was (the spirit) speaking throughout the recording, but the spiricom tones somehow drowned them out, and by the time she could answer that it was better without the tones, she was too tired to say anything else. Otherwise, I"m not sure why she would go through the trouble of telling me it's better now without the spiricom tones, only to not say anything anymore!

I"m going to try again tonight, with the same setup, and ask again in particular for this female spirit, and see if she replies to me, hopefully she will be able to.

Do you think that issue here was possibly just that the spiricom sounds were too loud? From what I've read, including Sarah Estep's information (although I know she wasn't involved with spiricom), a louder background noise is more preferable, providing more energy for modulation by the spirit, but if they were only able to "modulate" the fan's noise, I can see how the spiricom sound would drown that out. Perhaps the equipment used to play the spiricom noise is not "quality" enough to provide all of the harmonics ect needed?

What about "charging" a room, in other words, providing reasonable loud tones or background noise for a period of time before actually recording, I hear that also works. What is your opinion on that? Does anyone here do that?

Thanks again Bruce!

Chris ;)