View single post by lkimberley
 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 03:34 PM
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Joined: Jan 4th, 2007
Location: Monterrey/San Pedro, Mexico
Posts: 424
Hi Chris,

The best answer I can ever give you or anyone is this: A desire from your heart to communicate. Pick a time of day everyday and make it a routine even for a few minutes. When the trust is buildt up and word gets out your available, they should  come. Also, you maybe being actually doing so well the higher levels are having a hard time connecting to you based on Freq, tones, modulation we all do not know that answer yet, thats why were all here.

But, just a simple prayer between you and the Higher power and a desire for good, and knowledge is all I would say a good person can pray for including peace for all mankind and better enlightenment for us all. Thats as simple as i can put it's your soul that will know the words to say....speak it from your heart they will all hear you.

Band and command all negativity from the area even if you thinks their not there.

