View single post by NS-EVP
 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 01:58 PM
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Joined: Oct 27th, 2007
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 62
lkimberley wrote:
But, saying the prayer and doing all of those things does not stop the good and loving ones from talking to you.I don't have an answer for what to tell you except maybe get some Kosher salt mix with water and spray the house and grounds like you would for bugs, that will in fact remove whatever could be blocking for you to record evps drv or spiricom. Your health may be a factor too, but, I highly doubt it.

Oh, by the way Laura, I"m going to "spray" or sprinkle around the kosher salt I picked up today, is there any particular prayer or statement I should be making as I do so?

lkimberley wrote: But Chris, I started and got lower guys to. It took awhile and then I said  "you're outta here" But I get them occasionallyonly now.  I do not give them time of day and they eventually move on. Be patient when its quiet and your trying to hear, they will come and speak to ya, I am encouraging you to hang in there.

Again, I"m not completely new to recording, I've been doing it for just over a year now, but have to keep taking "breaks" from recording, and I think this has effected my "relationship" or developeing one with the entities. But again, oddly enough, if I go anywhere else, I get EVP's, I've captured quite a few EVP's over the past year, some are pretty interesting, so I do get them, just not often at "this" house. I feel it is something to do with the house, not me or my techniques. I just have never escallated to the level of being able to turn on the recorder and having the spirits sitting there waiting to speak with me as some members have, I do get lots of EVP, just few and far between, never the same person twice I don't believe, and not often at the house.

I should add that I am capable of feeling "vibes", but that is the extent of what I would call my pshycic abilities, I feel good vibes, and I feel bad ones. When I was house hunting over a year ago now, I would note how every house I entered felt different, some good, some bad, and a few we had to actually "leave" as it felt so evil. The interesting thing about this house is it is the only one where I can honestly say I felt absolutely "Nothing"! Neither does my wife who seems to also share this capability with me.

Then I learned it was built as a Baptist Parsonage over 100 years ago, so I figured maybe that had something to do with it. One of the previous owners even actually commited suicide in the back yard here, but still, no vibes, none at all. I would like to see what a certified phsycic would have to say if they came here to feel the place out. I've only ever had one EVP that I would classify as negative, and it is so faint, it really is hard to hear it, but in general, the EVP's Ive had are good natured ones, usually a few words or so.

I will take your advise with the salt and let you know what happens, I was just wondering if there was a preferred prayer or incantation to clean the house and make it more attractive to the sprits, also allowing me a better communication with them.

Chris ;)