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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 10:39 AM
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Joined: Oct 27th, 2007
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 62
Hi Laura,

I always do say a prayer of protection, and try to envision the "white light" protecting myself and my family, in fact I've wondered if I somehow did this myself by envisioning the white light "blanketing" my whole house for protection! Then I started to wonder if that meant the only ones that were avaliable to speak with me "were" low level entities, and since they weren't talking now as I blocked them, nobody was. Then I though that was silly, there are billions of spirits out there, why would I only be able to contact low level entities. I even questioned myself, my attitude, my demeanor and examined my mood, energy level when recording (which is poor at best lately anyhow due to my health), and thought maybe because there is a bit of an "excitement" in an outing that might "fuel" a better response, but all in all, nothing is any different when I record here.

I was really hoping to figure out something different to "change" the environment here to make it more active if you know what I mean. I've been recording in this old 110 year old house where I live for about a year now, with consistant results, meaning poor at best.

I also considered the "noise factor" to be an issue as well, when I'm in the house the noise is either supplied by the internal noise of the low setting of my digital voice recorder, (or my fan heater that is usually running, it's minus 16 degrees C here today!) or supplied specific background noises, like the spiricom tones from EVP assistant (by the way, please do post those original spiricom tones for me!!) or white noise, but when I'm in the field, the noise is in the form of "natural environment" sounds, wind, the ocean, me moving around or even footsteps, birds chirping, whatever.

It's not like I "never" get a capture here, but they are few and far between, and usually short one worder's, or very weak in volume, rarely class "B", and I've come to notice that it's amost like I get the captures before I announce myself, after I switch on the recorders, but after I start asking questions or talking, it gets really quiet, like they don't want to talk to me intentionally. I wonder why that might be?

I'll post an example of what I suspect here, I asked a question "can you tell me your name please", and I received a whispery response that sounded like one entity speaking to another saying "I don't want to tell him".

Maybe you might hear something different, but it's clear as a bell to me!

Not to confuse this post with too many topics at once, but our initial converation was about background noise, such as the spiricom, white noise ect, and one of the most confusing aspects of recording to me lately (although I almost always record on the lowest setting possible with a digital voice recorder) is noise Vs quality and settings.

What I mean is that everyone (including Tom at the AAEVP) suggests using the lowest recording quality possible on a digital voice recorder, which I have been doing, but it has occurred to me that a better way of doing things might be to use the best quality possible and provide the exact "noise" the entities need to communicate with us, which can later be filtered out somehow, leaving a clear voice and high quality recording left behind. I suggested this to AAEVP and this was one of the responses:

"We always recommend the use of an inexpensive digital voice recorder for a person to begin recording--if they are going to buy one. You can explore later, but digital give the best chance that we know of today. If you have a high quality recorder of any kind, expect to add sound for voice formation (a fan will work) and use low quality settings when available. If you use a tape or disk transport device, use an external microphone."

 You also suggest using high quality settings or a high quality device for recording with, but that gets back to the original delemma of whether or not the entities have something to construct their voices with or not. I guess this is because you are confident the tones you are supplying are adequate for the job correct?

I was reading also that Sarah Estep used the background noises at a very high volume lever, explaining that this resulted in a very loud EVP, do you agree with this in your experience to work the best? What volume level are you providing your background noises at?

I know I've asked alot of questions in one post, sorry to jump around like that, but they are all questions I'd like addresses so hopefully I can attain a better track record in my captures, and head towards refining a technique that works best for me here, in this house!

Thanks everyone for enduring my long winded post as most of them seem to

Chris ;)

Attachment: i-dont-want-to-tell-him-19nov07.mp3 (Downloaded 1086 times)