View single post by fratka
 Posted: Dec 13th, 2007 01:20 PM
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Joined: Feb 21st, 2007
Location: Houston, Texas USA
Posts: 318

When did you say this started? How do they attack you? Is it something anyone else can see (the attack I mean)?

I'm not being silly or downplaying your experiences at all. When you play with these abilities enough most of us change and become more sensitive to one or more of these abilities. I can sense their emotions, they show themselves every once in a while and I get excellent communications with them by technical means. Hell, I haven't had a restful nights sleep in a long time. It seems that is when I am the most busy.

It has been said in the past by the pioneers of ITC research that the connections you make with the other world (bridges) can be very strong and they do not discriminate who or what uses them. The spirits actively work to change you on that side and this side. Don't fret, you may be going through a rough patch right now but it will get better. Especially if you get a good circle of spirit friends to keep out the riff-raff! LOL

Keep your head up, stay positive and never fear.

Best Regards,

Frank R.