View single post by psb7user2
 Posted: Oct 3rd, 2015 08:08 AM
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Joined: Mar 26th, 2014
Posts: 42
Just an extremely brief story about this recording. I knew I was hearing things the past few nights, and it has been keeping me awake to the point I feel freaking horrible. We are talking 3 hours of sleep, and then I'm wide awake. Anyhow, I started doubting myself, thinking maybe I was just having a worsening of anxiety attacks, but I had to know for sure, so I got my recorder out, turned the tv off, and just let it record. What you will hear is a real short snippet, unedited, of what I believe to be a child's voice. If what I think it is saying is what you all hear as well, I have no idea what this spirit could be talking about.

Let me know what you hear if you have the time.'

Sorry for the extended absence. Just haven't been into the paranormal the past few months as I haven't had much time for hobbies.

Attachment: SelfExplanatory.mp3 (Downloaded 824 times)