View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2014 06:07 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Thank you for your expression, we resonate with it.

There are a lot of exciting things coming, be patient.

The stream will be back up, I need to take the time to create it within a virtual machine, expectations are within the month.

A sister website to ITC Bridge is coming out soon, ETA on that is within 45 days. It is a team effort this time, and will include many different areas, and bring news of experiments of people in all countries.

The only risk I currently run is collapsing from working too hard, but spirit is providing me energy. Any sent is much appreciated.

I speak inspirationally, but it doesn't take much to see I am again "awake."

And now I'll send a forum wide email :)

Talk to you soon.
