View single post by Grimus
 Posted: Apr 29th, 2014 04:41 PM
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Joined: Apr 7th, 2014
Posts: 21
I'm still messing with the diodes but I've also decided to look towards "speech to text" recognition.

Here is the file, it has been cleaned and boosted, also formatted to meet upload specs. The cleaning and the eq was to make the most out of the vocal frequency mid/high range.

I can't hear anything in this personally but this mix was not designed for me to listen to. I then sent the file (a 60 second test file after letting any ghost buddies around know I was going to be testing) through a speech to text program I'm fiddling with and what the speech to text says it got was:

"At one at it and it got"

Can you hear it?


Than how did the software?

Attachment: 4_29_2014.mp3 (Downloaded 688 times)