View single post by fratka
 Posted: Jul 27th, 2007 06:55 AM
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Joined: Feb 21st, 2007
Location: Houston, Texas USA
Posts: 318
I think number 4, all of the above is correct. I think at different times or better yet different moods and attitudes depend on what we are receptive to. When I first started recording with Laura I would get a group we called the crew. By large these were beings that seemed to be trapped in a place they wanted help getting out of. From what we have been told we helped quite a few in that regard.

Sense then our contacts seem to have taken on a more elevated character. The messages we have been receiving have been more upbeat, informative and for the most part positive. We still have the occasional "help me" message and the occassional mean mouthed spirit come through but our "spirit teams" seem to weed them out quickly for more productive communication.

For a long while some of us have been trying to develop newer equipment for real time/two-way communication via some transceiver apparatus. In my heart I believe we will succeed with the help of our research team and spirit friends.

To answer your last question....we have found that most of the messages we receive are multilayered. There are several messages encoded over each other at different embedded levels of a carrier signal. I think this is why the messages seem to change meaning and wording over time. Also, we have to take into account each of our own hearing range.

Being that the messages are multilayered they can have ghosts and spirits at the same time. Of course ghosts and spirits are the same types of beings with different attitudes and outlooks. Each of us are bound and restricted by our own beliefs, comfort zones and expectations. This effects how much of the greater reality we see and is no different for those that have already transitioned.

Best Regards,

Frank R.