View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Jan 4th, 2007 10:17 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637

I live in Salinas, Ca. It's about an hour and a half south of San Francisco. I am always seeking to meet new people interested in researching all areas of the afterlife. As a computer technician, I spend most of the time on the computer and am somewhat familiar with most forms of communicating with the other side through electronic devices. I am interested in:

Forming a group to conduct seances. A physical medium would be a wonderful addition to a group, but they are very rare. If one does happen to read this and would be interested in starting a circle in the central California area, please contact me.

Direct Radio Voice. I am willing to work with any researcher who has an interest in this form of communication. No need to be in the local area, this can be done via email and telephone.

Various forms of Reflection photography. This is a relatively rare form of receiving images from the other side, but may become more common in the future. The method I experiment with most uses mirrors, water, and light.

Special Projects: I am most certainly interested in your new ideas for spirit communication. Some great breakthroughs come from trying new things. If someone needs a partner to conduct a joint long-distance experiment, I would love to participate.


Having problems with your computer? I'm pretty good in this area. If you ever have a question, but don't want to pay a technician, drop me a line. I enjoy learning new things and solving problems.

Interested in starting your own life-after-death-related website, but don't know how? I'm new to this area also, but perhaps I can give a couple of pointers to help you get started.

Anyone may email me at any time.

See you on the board!

Keith Clark