View single post by David_Bolton
 Posted: Aug 22nd, 2013 05:07 PM
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Joined: Aug 20th, 2013
Posts: 3
Wow, Kenda, interesting..

About those "pops" when they pass through glass: did you ever manage to record them?

the first "orb" I ever read about was in the Autobiography of Casanova, that I read back in college. He said that one night, he was walking from one town to another, going through some woods, (this was about 1755, I believe), and he saw a glowing orb of light on a path parallel to his, probably about 10-15 meters away. It seemed to be following him, moving along this parallel path. He did not believe in "spirits", and did not associate this orb with spirits, aliens, or the like; for him, it was just a strange curiosity at the time. Of course, with what I know now about such phenomena, I think it may be safe to say that his was a very early account of the same phenomena that occur today: orbs that create crop circles, for example, or even the ones we occasionally pick up on photos. There's SO much to ponder, isn't there?

- David