View single post by PSB7USER
 Posted: Jun 27th, 2013 02:20 PM
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Joined: Aug 6th, 2012
Posts: 40
I like to occasionally use the Cross Over Talk system from DigitalDowsing, but have a hard time wrapping my head around the technology. I know, from reading various ITC pages, as well as the description Mr. Chappell gives regarding the system on his site, that the device is only capable of accepting inbound calls. To me, that would seem to be another way of saying "The thing does not dial out". However; about a year ago, when I first experimented with it, the following used to happen all the time. When the system was down for upgrades, naturally, it quit. Now, after using the system a maximum of maybe 5 times in the past six months, this is starting to happen again. I do not mind, especially since it is free. However, I find it kind of odd. Has this happened to anyone else?