View single post by Jan
 Posted: Jun 27th, 2013 07:12 AM
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Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
Posts: 85
Hi lance,

Well I've had a few listens to your recording, and I'd say it's probably another SSB voice, but there's not enough of it for me to be sure.

I've done many years of listening to point-to-point radio signals on many types of equipment for different agencies, so there's not much I haven't heard. No, come to think of it I've never heard VLF whistlers for real, only recordings - fascinating signals first heard on telephone lines in the 1890s apparently!

I've sat and listened to 'clear' frequencies for hours just to see what I can hear (or imagine I can hear!) and that can be quite interesting. Meteor-scatter signals for example - but I never thought to make any recordings of those.

Up hear in Scotland (where it's not getting very dark at the moment!) is a great place to listen as there's no significant industry and relatively few homes to generate  radio interference.

Good luck,


Last edited on Jun 27th, 2013 07:16 AM by Jan