View single post by lance
 Posted: Jun 3rd, 2013 12:07 PM
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Joined: Feb 10th, 2007
Location: Aberdare., United Kingdom
Posts: 644
Hi Jan....
It was around 1.00am in the morning when I was recording... I used a portable radio shack SW radio for this one... Like I say, I really don't know if the chatter is paranormal, but I found it very interesting that the voice appeared to answer back when I said 'Hello'????

I wanted to ask you or anyone else that can help..! I have been trying to tune in to the Jurgenson Frequency on MW Band at 1500KHZ on my old valve radio (No Anntenna used on it) The only problem I have got is that the MW ranges from 200 to 550?????? Do you know where 1500KHZ is on my radio...I have uploaded a small picture for you to see the front of the radio and band ranges... Any help welcome.!
Many thanks for your help, Lance

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Last edited on Jun 3rd, 2013 02:43 PM by lance

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