View single post by lance
 Posted: Apr 25th, 2013 05:47 PM
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Joined: Feb 10th, 2007
Location: Aberdare., United Kingdom
Posts: 644
Hello all....

I have attached two short examples from my DRV session last night... My Set up was as follows:
I had three radios tunned to white noise with (no voice emissions) on Shortwave..... One radio was my old valve radio and the other two were modern radios, one being a mobile shortwave radio.

It was 12.00am, the house was quiet, the radios had been on for 30 mins without out any voice what so ever. Then I heard a faint voice coming from one of the radios (It was the mobile shortwave radio) The voice appeared to be in a foreign language, but I proceeded to ask questions and got short bursts of voice not to loud..... I have run the two attached example through clear voice denoiser on the soft filter to try and bring out the voice a bit louder. This low voice contuined for 5 mins, then faded out, I left the radios on for a further 40 mins without nothing.

My Question is, does anyone  recognize what is partially being said? Is the language in Portuguese or Spanish???? And do you think it was the start of Communication  for me using DRV or could it be a stray radio broadcast??
  Take care, Lance..

Attachment: DRVA.mp3 (Downloaded 1874 times)

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