View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: May 22nd, 2007 08:51 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Bill,

The only preparations I make are to think of spirit throughout every day as I live it. I talk to them, share my feelings, ideas, and concerns with them. And of course, I try to network with others to improve communication.

Yes, I have tried meditating and concentrating my efforts during recordings. I don't see any immediate results or effects by doing this, but I know that it is important and is bringing me closer to spirit through and through.

I know that Spiricom has not been duplicated, but we must remember Bacci in Italy, Cardoso in Portugal, and Rinaldi in Brazil - these people are experiencing direct conversation still today. While I understand that duplication of Spiricom may be a hard to thing to accomplish, I also believe that it will happen again - at least as far as new clear contact by radio.

The way I see it - What purpose would spirit have for consistent work on communication via radio with me for the last year and a half? Of course, some of it is to keep the link open and let me know that they support our effort. but, would that be the only reason?

I firmly believe that anything is possible, and I know that something phenomenal will be the end result of our current endeavors.
