View single post by Tazmom
 Posted: May 10th, 2007 09:47 PM
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I must agree with several of you. When setting yourself up to communicate with the spirits in any form it is imperative that you be in the right mind set. I truly believe that there are less than amiable spirits who often jump at the chance to play games (physiological or physical) if the door is left open to them. The negative moods, feelings or thoughts of any individual certainly would do just that. Trepidation or fear is another less than desirable emotion to add to the mix when attempting the communication we speak of.

I speak from experience on a few levels and from quite a number of investigations into one particular haunted location.

First and foremost, it seems that different groups who have entered this location have had a wide variety of experiences; some positive and some negative and some have had none at all.

Those who have entered with a level of fear seem to obtain the negative experiences and negative EVPs allowing the negative spirits to manipulate them even further; ultimately becoming a vicious circle of negativity. Thus labeling the location as being riddled with demonic or evil forces.

On the other hand, there are other groups who have entered this same location with an open mind and excited about the contact that they may encounter. These groups of investigators ultimately obtain a pleasant repore and communication with the spirits they have come to research and as well as benign activity denoting their presence.

Then there are those groups or individuals who come to this location and believe that there is nothing there. They ultimately get nothing. No activity, no EVP, no paranormal experience.

So, why do different groups and individuals, investigating the same location get such different results? I feel there can really only be three explanations.

First, that the mental frame of mind one has when entering a location or setting up to communicate, is proportionally and directly in correlation with the activity or communication that is ultimately obtained. The spirits can pick up on the mental ques we give off, because as someone earlier in this thread inferred, they live with out the body and rely heavily on the much less tangible aspects of resonance.

The second, is that perhaps different spirits are present during each of the investigations, and those that are present are those that communicate. This tends to be a little far fetched for me because it would suggest that there are a multitude of spirits that come and go at any particular location and that it is simply a matter of hit or miss as to whether you contact a positive or negative entity at any given time

The third explanation, would be that there are many different spirits present at this given location and there is some determining factor as to which ones come forward to meet the communicators (the theory of "like attracts like" is ultimately invoked).

The fact is that we know so little about things on the other side it could be all, none, or a combination of the above which lends to our experiences with the paranormal.

To make another point I feel I should give a little background as to the location I reference. ( I really hadn't planned on doing this but think it could be relevant for you to understand my experience and where I am coming from).

My husband and I lived in the Sallie house as depicted on many of the haunted shows you've see on television for the last ten years or so. It is this location and the continued investigations I have participated in, which I speak of. I will try to make this as short as possible to get the point across.

My husband is a gentle god fearing man. When the activity was first noticed in our house all he could think of was that it was the presence of evil. As he continued to think along this line, he reaped more hennas and negative physical injury which in turn cemented his theory that what we were dealing with was an evil presence. This in turn seemed to generate more negative activity and the vicious circular cycle continued to escalate until we moved out. Some might think of this simply as a climatic event, but I don't think so.....

Ten years later he returned to the house with a trusted investigative team, and was viciously attacked within a few minutes of being on site and by the end of the night had vowed never to go back again.

About 6 months later, we met another group that had initiated several independent investigations to the house as well as an enormous amount of research on the location, events and persons connected to the house. We met with them, and the correlation of their research and our own experiences pointed us in the direction that what was in the house was not evil, but a distraught spirit with a name.

With this incite held as his defense, and with the group who had initiated the new theory, my husband returned to the house once more with a different mindset and open to the possibility that there was nothing evil about the encounters he had had so many years ago. During his stay he was scratched once and burned once but nothing like the injuries he had previously received. With this same group, he returned several more times. The 3rd, 4th and 5th returns were uneventful and untimely he was able to remain in the house for 8-10 hours without an attack.

So, was it his mindset that influenced the reaction of the spirits? Was it his mindset that influenced the activities? Could it be theorized that the negative/evil presence was no longer there? Was he more a part of the physical attacks than anyone had ever thought? It certainly gave us much to theorize on, as well as left us with a lot more questions. We continue to monitor the attacks and the circumstance under which they occur. 

So yes, Lance, I feel that even if you are inherently good natured you can be in a fowl mood and attract the negativity of some spirits.

In the same breath, Chris, I must disagree with your statement "To attract bad company it needs to be habitual to make it worth their while." His initial attraction of the negativity was not in relation to his negative nature; his innate mood and nature was peaceful and good. However, the statement would pan out when you consider his reaction to what he felt was evil. The more he thought about it the more negative his feelings and emotions became and the more of a negative reaction he got from the spirits.

Ok, sorry to all for such a lengthy post; that was much more than I had anticipated writing and I hope I didn't step on anyone’s toes here. I just felt that some of you might benefit from some first hand incite.
