View single post by Dr Lewis
 Posted: Jan 18th, 2007 04:38 PM
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Dr Lewis


Well, many thanks for the well constructed replies. The readers on this board show a deep insight into these problems, so thank you all. I am afraid I am one of these people who is still learning regarding EVP/ITC.

 My comments come after having almost 20 years experience of sitting with physical mediums. In that time I have witnessed probably the whole spectrum of physical manifestations, ie trumpet mediumship, direct voice, trumpet voice, deep trance, transfiguration, materialisation and spirit produced lights. I have seen mediums bound and secured in chairs moved bodily from one end of a room to another. I have spoken to, been slapped on the back, shook hands with, and recieved direct healing from materialised spirit people from mature adults to children, so I am very lucky indeed...

I care not a jot if I get direct evidence myself, although I have had this and it is marvelous. My greatest thrill is to sit in such a circle and listen to the communications of peoples loved ones, people who can establish identity and be recognised. When that happens there is often not a dry eye in the place...that my friends is the true nature of survival. It has been demonstrated through many selfless mediums in the past, but today we are seeing (I hope) a new determined effort to establish this reality.

I am sometimes I feel focused in the past, but in relation to survival we can learn such a lot from this. I am sure many readers have read, and if not, should do the book by Arthur Findlay 'On the Edge of the Etheric'. In this great book Findlay grades survival evidence from the superb direct voice mediumship of John Sloan. That is the  important thing, survival of loved ones. I hope EVP/ITC will continue to develop towards this aim. All the physical manifestations of the seance room mean very little if there is no evidence and purpose behind the communications, but such manifestations often are produced by the spirit people to demonstrate, under the right conditions, just how close our two worlds can be.

All the best to you all
