View single post by JT
 Posted: Jan 18th, 2007 02:03 PM
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Joined: Jan 10th, 2007
Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Posts: 45
Hello Dr. Lewis,

I'm somewhat of a rookie in that I've only been involved in ITC for a year and a half or so.  My understanding of it is that there is a huge volume of first-class, well documented and scrutinized audio, video, and text communications received through the channels of radio, television, telephone, computer, and more.  A large portion of these communications are from family members of the experimenters or of the audience present during the experiment and have been accurate according to the earth-side family members.

Much of this is of course available on  Also, Mark Macy has recently posted pdf versions of Contact! magazine which reproduced many of the amazing contacts received in the 90's by Eurpoean and American experimenters:

And as Keith mentioned, clear 2-way dialogue via radio and telephone has been achieved numerous times by researchers such as Sonia Rinaldi, the Harsh-Fischbachs, and Marcello Bacci.  These recordings can be heard on and on other websites.

So, I think there is probably enough evidence out there to address your concerns about the quality, content, and accuracy of ITC as a channel for communication, unless you feel you have already reviewed this evidence and are still unconvinced.  I'd welcome your thoughts on this.

All the best,
John Topp