View single post by cat
 Posted: Jan 18th, 2007 08:41 AM
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Joined: Jan 7th, 2007
Posts: 21
Hello Dr Lewis, You have made a good few points there,Alot of the time we dont know who we are talking to and they dont always give us a name when they leave a message in Evp, I did ask my mum to give me alot of proof as to what was her name etc,There was one recording where another spirit thought they were being funny and try to pass off a message that was supposed to have come from my mum,But i caught on very quickly and knew my mum would never say such terrible things.Also as you know my mum i have got the evidence to back up my mums proof.Now if i can recall she did mention something regarding lower spirits and sometimes my mum does have to whisper to say a few things,It is like she doesnt want the others to hear,lol.Now i have told my group at all times if they receive any captures that swear etc they have to ignore and delete.I have posted a kind of prediction in my forum and if it turns out right then i would say my mum has yet again given me evidence.

In another forum there was a talk regarding the quality of Evps and they were talking about the quality of reel to reel,Now if i can recall they were on about climate change ozone and how the world is now more technilogical more advanced than it was yrs ago,So in otherwords they were meaning that is when reel to reel was done there wasnt too much static kind of interference and alot of people were not recording Evp as they are now.

I really cant comment on Mark Macey and what things he has been told or images he has,But i can say when i did an evening of itc images i asked for a picture of their world,And guess what i got back a picture of mountains and these mountains are made up of hundreds of people,And the tv screen did not change in all the time i was looking at it,So i still say at any time if they want to show you a specific image they can manipulate the loop effect without you being aware of this.
