View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Apr 29th, 2007 09:22 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Vicki,

I don't think that DCSix would have helped you too much on this one, as it was already nice and clear. Rather than Nancy, I hear "yes". DcSix would be better for bringing down the noise level - such as radio static. Also, if you had recorded this file and filtered it too much live, then your voice would have been filtered also.

There is something I think I should mention.......before you open DcSix you might be listening to yourself live already, with a microphone input on your computer. When you open DcSix, choose the "live" button, and then click on live preview to begin filtering. For starters, perhaps you would like to choose the continous noise filter - set on auto spectrum at about 35 attenuation.

Now, if you are already listening to your microphone  - when you open DcSix you need to mute your microphone input so you don't hear it anymore. Right-click on your volume icon on the desktop down by the time, open volume control, and mute the microphone balance. Why? Because if you don't, and you open up DcSix then you'll be listening to both the filtered audio and the live audio at the same time. You need to mute the microphone input when you use DcSix so you only hear filtered live audio.

If you have more questions, I'l be happy to answer them.

