View single post by Imagi
 Posted: Jan 17th, 2007 02:59 PM
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As a psychic medium, and a young researcher, I have experienced two seemingly separated levels of spirituality.

On one level I had experiences such as "losing my body" and feeling at one with everything. Experiencing moments of "complete knowledge" which eventually faded and I began living a "normal" life again..

At that time strange events would occur such as the appearance of a swirling light in the sky above me and several eyewitnesses which formed into a golden heart and then flashed and disappeared.

Separate from that, my experiences with astral projection and seeing into the afterlife/ having encounters with the dead, was always comforting and interesting but never quite as "enlightening" as the above mentionned.

In the past year I have been researching people like Gary Renard, who have experienced something extraordinary. In his books he writes direct dialogue that happened between he and two people who would simply appear in his living room.
These people call themselves ascended masters.
They had fully physical bodies, and could appear and disappear at will.
They say they are projecting through the "right mind" or what we call "The holy spirit", to Gary as messengers to help people learn about the nature of the universe, what true reality is, and God.

Since reading Gary Renard's work I have become an avid student of A Course in Miracles and have also stumbled across other instances around the world of "Masters appearing" out of thin air.
Such as in india, Babaji, an ascended master who appears in a body and teaches all of the same consepts that Gary's friends teach.  Non-duality.
The universe as an illusion.  Our true being.   And God.

It is said by these masters that the universe, and the afterlife dimensions are all levels of the same un-reality.  A "thought projection" which stems from the consciousness of separation.
Somehow before all time and space we thought for an instant that we could be separate from God, and that thought put us in coma (as a symbolic word), and lead to the creation of the ego and the universe as we know it.

Apparently everything in life that appears to be happening is an image re-inacting that initial separation though.  Our guilt is so deeply entrenched in us that we must project it, thus making "other bodies" real so that we could make them bad.
Of course duality runs its course and sometimes we're the bad ones...

The only way to break this cycle as suggested by said ascended masters is to study to understand the nature of the illusion. Who you really are.
And then heal the mind making it whole again, non-dualistic, completely loving and extending love through forgiveness for what never took place.

(For example: It appears I've just been dumped by my lover. I forgive it for it's just another image symbolizing separation from God. And my brother and I are never separate, the body is not real".)


Thoughts and insights would be welcome.
Searching beyond the universe for God is pretty wild an idea. Not many would take to it at first I'm sure.