View single post by Sparkz
 Posted: Jun 17th, 2011 01:22 AM
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Joined: Jun 13th, 2011
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 42
Hello Catperks! And thank you too as well. And to be perfectly honest, yes - I still watch those shows. But for all the "wrong" reasons...

1) It is a perfect example of pretty much how not to behave.

2) It still makes for great television when their fear threshold gets pushed a bit and they run about hilly-nilly over themselves trying to get out of their own way.

Gotta remember that there is really no such thing as the paranormal. It is merely something that which we have yet to understand and explain. This sort of "thing" is around us all the time, ever present, part of everyday life. It's a matter of whether or not you choose to participate and examine it closer that makes the difference. ;D