View single post by joecioppi
 Posted: Jun 2nd, 2011 10:11 AM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 130
Hi "d",

I am the inventor of the Joes Box spirit radio. It is a version of the original Franks Box that has all new electronic circuit design...not a clone

Spirit radios are designed to select broadcast vocals at random and quickly move on to the next station.The resulting vocal fragments make up a message that relates to the questions of the operator.

Instead of recovering voices from noisy EVP recordings as done in an older method, the voices are strong clear signals with little background noise to separate. The Ovilus also avoids random noise in the audible message by converting the ambient random noise in emf fields to binary data that selects synthesized sounds produced by the Speakjet synth chip.

The Ovilus would create confusing random vocal sounds as well as the intended spirit messages so Bill Chappell has filtered incoming ambient data to only produce complete words and skip the random data. The actual code he uses is kept secret because he sell his devices and would loose customers.
