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ITC Bridge > Build a Bridge

ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

Build a Bridge - ITC Bridge
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New PostsListings for people seeking to work together
One of the main functions of ITC Bridge is to bring people together. Cooperation and harmony is highly encouraged. If we join forces and work together we can accomplish drastic changes in our world and further the area of spirit communication. Place your personal listing here. Tell us where you are, what the focus of your group would be. Please, only listings directly related to life after death or spirit communication.
91527 years 8 months 22 days ago
by pol
in Propose to start A "spirit world crime solving site" Go to last Post

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