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Moderated by: Keith Clark, fratka, ArizonaEvp |
Hans Otto-Köning | Rating: |
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You have chosen to ignore karlos1212. click Here to view this post |
Posted: Apr 2nd, 2009 05:29 PM |
2nd Post |
joecioppi Moderator
karlos, I haven't heard about this man's research or inventions before and would like to read any references you have and can post here. I have also looked on Google and found a few references that I will read, also. Thanks. Joe
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Posted: Apr 4th, 2009 09:41 AM |
4th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator
I think the reason is because there is a lack of people with the ability to write about his work in the English speaking world. Without looking, I would guess that perhaps he may be from Germany or thereabouts. I'd say that the original source of most ITC information in English came from less than 10-20 places, and has now been spread throughout the internet by English-speaking people. I have heard mention of this unique peculiarity also when speaking of Raymond Cass, an EVP pioneer in the UK. I have heard much of his work, though it may only be repeats of the same little tidbits. I would suspect that, even though you cant find much on the web, the VTF (German Association for Transcommunication Research) may have more information for you. Their website address is here: http://www.vtf.de/index_e.shtml Keith
Posted: Apr 4th, 2009 09:47 AM |
5th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator
The other thing is that thousands of people have tried Spiricom and variations of equipment similar. I cannot say the same for Hans. I know a lot of his work was in ultrasonics, and perhaps this type of equipment is not readily available to the public. I can say that if explicit information was made readily available to the public as to what he used for his experiments, we would see more people trying it. And then we would be hearing more about Hans and his contribution to ITC. That is how information propagates. For SPiricom, this was done mainly by worlditc.org Keith
Posted: Apr 4th, 2009 10:15 AM |
6th Post |
Slider2732 Member
Thanks for the links Karlos, i'll be looking into Han's work too and hope to work through the Spanish site information. As pointed out, us natively English speaking people really don't move beyond the information that is printed in English ! It's an historical failing, based upon numbers of people, use of technology and usual vocalness of individuals lol As a side note, i'm currently reading a book about the Chinese explorations of the Americas in the 14th century, predating Columbus and his alledged discoveries. It's always good to be pointed in directions that weren't known to exist Last edited on Apr 4th, 2009 10:16 AM by Slider2732 |
Posted: Apr 4th, 2009 10:52 AM |
7th Post |
Slider2732 Member
Looking at the first link, on WorldITC, the system is broadly comparable to many devices actually being built right now...many years later. I know Joe has built similar and am hoping he agrees that the diagram represents current trends. 3 frequency generators of particular frequency each 3 scanning sections 'wobbel-frequenz' then mix those generators output The output is broadcast The output is received Various filters are applied Result is recorded or reproduced over a loudspeaker For our home built experiements purposes: The frequency generators are of square wave type and i'm thinking may include the ever popular 555 and an oscilloscope to set the frequencies. However, in electronic music, the use of other waves, mixed with the square wave gives a much warmer and more pleasing natural sound. I haven't heard the output from Han's generator but am thinking that introducing saw, pulse and sine waves may make the discernment of voices easier...the sound would have more to work with. It seems stated that spirit voices travel along multiples of 20kHz, well, we don't know that, so must just accept that results were obtained with the 80/40/20kHz scanning method. Certainly, within traditional EVP cassette recorder recording, slowing the playback by multiples of 2 appears to work. Die Infrarotanlage is an infra-red setup. This part is easily replicated in principle of operation and I remember a guy here on this forum having great successes with multiple LED's for transmission and reception. Another thought is to use a frequency multiplier, along the lines of a reversed bat detector, to utilise 3 radio scanning circuits for the 20kHz multiples. Finally, for now hehe, i'm very interested in the possibilities of utilising conventional circuits for paranormal useage. Reading the Wiki on consumer infra-red ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_IR ) a few things are striking. Namely that consumer IR devices operate around the 930nm frequency band that Han's received communications about. He adjusted to those spirit relayed frequencies and reception was improved. Carrier frequencies of remote controls for TV etc are often in the 20kHz - 60kHz range - ideal ! I'm all for harmonically structured vibrations and will definitely be constructing devices along these principles. My own circuits stalled over the last few months while I became interested in model aircraft...but, this has peaked my interest and gives amplitude to various previous thoughts ! Last edited on Apr 4th, 2009 11:07 AM by Slider2732 |
You have chosen to ignore karlos1212. click Here to view this post |
Posted: Apr 5th, 2009 05:44 PM |
9th Post |
Slider2732 Member
I do think it only because English isn't Hans first language and that stops most Western people's discovery of his work. It is really interesting research though. The quartz crystals experiments are intriguing. These can be found in many household objects, perhaps surprisingly in any small device that makes sound....greetings cards, wrist watches, toy games etc. Those flat round speakers make their sound through the effects of the quartz crystal sandwiched between the layers. On the other end of devices, electronic cigarette lighters use the same stuff ! The type that clicks to make a spark. I believe they work by compression of the plunger, the plunger flips with enough pressure and strikes the quartz forcibly, which creates a high voltage, that jumps a small electrode gap, that lights the gas. Last edited on Apr 5th, 2009 05:45 PM by Slider2732 |
Posted: May 18th, 2014 06:57 AM |
10th Post |
pablotron Member
You may find more of what is explained in worlditc on electronic schematics of each of the components to develop porder circuits in a home? I have read the above link to Koening the public but not to My sister knows some German could translate
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