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 Moderated by: lance, Keith Clark, ArizonaEvp  

Joined: Apr 9th, 2008
Posts: 3
Hello Everyone,

I am new to the ITC Bridge, and conducting EVP's but my experiences thus far require me to reach out for some help. Over 3 months ago, I started doing EVP's after the death of my father. On the first attempt, I received a chorus of spirits telling me "to get out," "you are in danger," and "do not do EVP." Having heavily researched the EVP Boards both on this site, and on AAEVP, I gleaned that responding with fear was the worst reaction you could have. So I continued and recorded over 100 sessions, with every session having the same characteristics:

1) I am continually warned to stop recording. Specifically, I am told that a spirit named "Penny" is a devil, means me harm, and is dangerous. In every recording you can hear spirits bickering with each other and from a novice perspective it seems that there is a "war" going on between good versus bad spirits.

2) Many of my recordings contain really foul language often directed at me. Initially, the spirit that was identified as "Penny" invited me to keep talking, but when I tried to ignore her the tirade of insults directed at me increased.

3) Thinking that I could "tune-into" a better set of spirits I purchased a mini-box about 2 months ago. Again, the same spirits warned me to get out, I was not welcome, and to stop doing EVP at once. Not one to be frightened easily, I asked why I could not continue. I was told that "Penny" and certain other spirits hate me because I pray. Others state that she is evil and there is "danger,"

During the last two weeks, I have simply turned my recorder on (without any verbal interaction from me) and received messages from "Penny" which are quite threatening. I can't believe that all I have to do is turn my tape recorder on and bingo... Penny and the foul mouths drop in.

Could any of you help me understand what is going on here. Some have suggested that "like attracts like in EVP"? Is there something in one's personality that may be contributing to this? I can assure you that I am not unbalanced. Does this mean that I am doing something wrong? I medidate prior to each session, stay always positive, but still get the themes outlined above. Should I take this "Penny" seriously and stop doing the EVP's all together? This would really bum me out--- I am a University Professor in clinical psychology and looked forward to doing research in this area. Anyway, I am totally confused and never thought that starting to do EVP would result in the above.

Is it possible that certain spirits are having a big laugh at my expense? All my recordings have been validated by others so I know that this is not a matter of me misinterpreting the recordings. In fact, I use all the equipment and techniques recommended by others. Your feedback and help would be appreciated.


Vicki Talbott

Joined: Jan 20th, 2007
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 687
Hi Hayes,

First, I believe you when you say you are not unbalanced.  This can happen to the most balanced, nicest of people.  On the flip side of the coin, experts have noted that even a complete jerk can receive clear and positive EVP, which doesn't undermine the generalization that like attracts like, however.  In your case, I can't say for sure why this is going on.  Part of it may be your expectations, as you may have come to "expect" Penny and friends and thus have created a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts, allowing them access to you.

From what I have read and experienced myself, this kind of barrage has a tendency to slowly cease with those who, like you, are serious, balanced, positive researchers.  Some people who have had negative experiences initially have continued to meditate and ask for only higher level entities to contact them as well as to ask for protection from lower astral entities, and this has seemed to work.  Others I have heard and read about have had to have some cleansing work done before starting to record again.

I had a very negative experience when I first started recording although it didn't last as long as yours has.  An entity kept telling me that he was going to and then already had sold my son's soul to the devil (my son is deceased), that my son was rotting in hell, etc.  I was never personally threatened, but it was disturbing, even though I didn't believe it and thought, as you have said, that this guy was having a good laugh at my expense.  I sought information and was told to do the above, that is meditate, ask for protection and for responses from only higher level entities.  After that I have not to my knowledge gotten negative EVP. 

My son happens to be one of my "protectors."  Immediately after this situation, the negative entity tried to come through once more and Braden (my son) simply told him he was not welcome and to go away.  Someone else said "He's not going to like it Braden," and Braden replied "Oh well," as if to say he didn't give a damn what the entity thought.  That was 4 years ago, and I've felt safe ever since.

I hope you can get rid of these guys somehow--it seems you will make a great researcher in the field.  Others may be able to give you more advice and please keep us posted.  Welcome!  Vicki



Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Penny is probably a misplaced spirit from an attachment to someone else, who eradicated its energies from their life. They need to feed on fear to have a self worth. Depending on religious viewpoint, it could be considered as a demonic type, a charlatan, a liar or other such negative energy.
However, the psychology is both subtle yet striking when aware.
Most negative energy interactions are based on the creation of bullies, snitty work colleagues and other types of maladjusted people, all tap in to the possible outcome and rarely deliver the threats they spew.
The argumentave EVP recordings are, in my opinion, the result of a break in standard interactions with placid spirits, by a negative misplaced source who decided you should be a target.

Penny needs to be removed.
So, how do we do that ?
Continuing to record works and doesn't work. Got to think back to school and how any bully was handled at that time. Ignoring sometimes flared up such a person to try and get into your mind more, to make you afraid by stronger and stronger actions. By the continuation, you state you aren't bothered, but also open up contact for this Penny character to try to impress a fear. It's no wonder the positive spirits are arguing away with it.
The most important self gleaned psychological trait of negative entities that I have discovered, is that they are as thick as two short planks !
Ever hear of a well to do, well adjusted, intelligent person being a loud mouth bully ? nope...the less mentally able, overly jealous thugs are who they are in the spirit world as well as here.
I tell ya, some communications in French or another language may well shut this energy up ! Intelligent spirits will realise your aims and Penny will fade off through lack of interest.
Negative energies pick the weakest or freshest person to hassle. Same again for school bullies. They attempt to impose a set of rules that they wish you to adhere to. They can't work such rubbish generally, but can work it as a dominance on a 1 to 1 basis, with someone they perceive as being weaker than themselves.
Recording for EVP with a couple of friends may well drive Penny backward too.

Protections are important, else Penny may try to come through in dream imagery or other ways. It won't happen though, because you refuse to give worth to the dilemma it is trying to spin. Protections give you a peace of mind and set a good barrier as a failsafe. Strong language is the mark of a spirit that can't get to you by subtle means.
In short, Penny has a gun aimed at you and is threatening to fire it. What it doesn't know is how to fire a gun or even if there are any bullets in just knows you should be scared of it !


Joined: Apr 9th, 2008
Posts: 3

Thanks for the encouraging words. I initially tried getting advice from the AA-EVP organization. Tom Butler recommended that I not provide such meaning to the threatening messages (which was good input at the time). In other words, see these responses as "silly." However, I am going on 3 months and it has still gone unabated

Despite everything I have done (praying, meditating, etc) I can't seem to shake "Penny" and her negative foul mouthed friends. What I don't understand is the following: if these spirits are getting such a kick out of this, why do I continually get warnings to stay out? Maybe, this warning is from higher level entities that are just trying to protect me... As you say, all I can do is keep trying. This type of research is SO isolating, and it is great to hear from someone that has also been impacted.

I will most certainly keep you updated! All the best,



Joined: Apr 9th, 2008
Posts: 3

This makes so much sense to me! Your right! I do feel like I have a gun to my head. Your idea of talking French is great! Bullies may not have the guts to follow through when I remove the gun while speaking in a foreign language. To be honest, what really through me off is when "Penny" and her co-horts on day one impacted the recordings on the mini-box. Prior to purchasing it, I had studied samples of it's use from others. When I revved up mine, it sounded and acted nothing like what it was suppose to do. In fact, I never got it to scan frequencies, it simply launched into voices with "Penny" and the gang. I thought to myself, this is one powerful spirit, with her foul-mouthed friends. In any event, I did start praying for intervention. This simply infuriated them more... the threats were doubled. When your in the thick of this, you don't think of it in terms of a bully, but you are so right!

Thanks so much for your input. Let's see how French works with a dash of Psych 101.

All the best,



Joined: Jan 4th, 2007
Location: Monterrey/San Pedro, Mexico
Posts: 424
Hi Hayes,

I went thru a similar experience, and I was taught something that worked. When and after you do your meditation and prayer "you basically OPEN a DOOR" when you go to speak with spirit thu  a recorder or any intrument to communicate.

I have learned thru say the mini box or a radio or any other device I say "EVERYONE BACK THRU THE DOOR!!" Time to go back home to the otherside, and I wait for say 30 secs, I say, no strays allowed! Im closing the door hurry back..and if I have a radio I wait for them to say close the door, and then I do.  The Negs seem to go back thru the door when you tell them they DO NOT HAVE YOUR PERMISSION TO STAY. Blessings,


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