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Spricom experiment  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Dec 31st, 2007 11:16 AM
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I got this small clip after last night, It clearly says to me we need Jeff,

"Laura, we need Jeff, exactly, to halp reach half down the road or rope."

here's the file.

Attachment: MZspiricom5soap_CLR_CLR (2).MP3 (Downloaded 1756 times)

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 Posted: Dec 31st, 2007 11:18 AM
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Here's another one for experimenters out there. I don't know the voice but he is clear what he says for now.


Attachment: MZspiricom5soap_CLR_CLR (3).MP3 (Downloaded 1631 times)

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 Posted: Dec 31st, 2007 11:27 AM
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lkimberley wrote: I got this small clip after last night, It clearly says to me we need Jeff,

"Laura, we need Jeff, exactly, to halp reach half down the road or rope."

here's the file.
WOW!  Laura, do you believe that was referring to me, or another Jeff?  What did you see?


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 Posted: Dec 31st, 2007 11:45 AM
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Your the only Jeff I know. I did not tell them your name I just said were starting experiments soon. :smile:


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 Posted: Dec 31st, 2007 11:54 AM
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Here is the full file you will hear me distinctly talking to them

I hope you guys can hear what I hear.

Blessings Laura

Attachment: MZspiricom5soap_CLR_CLR.MP3 (Downloaded 1555 times)

Last edited on Dec 31st, 2007 11:55 AM by lkimberley

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 Posted: Jan 1st, 2008 06:15 AM
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Hi Laura,  fantastic recording.  Can I ask what method you used to generate the noise for the voice's, as it seems you have a very smooth connection with very little interfering frequencies.

Good luck with future experiments.

David UK

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 Posted: Jan 1st, 2008 11:45 AM
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Hi David,

Thanks, I used an old Panasonic radio for a transmitter, and recorded with 2 receivers a Marantz tape player and a solid state recorder. I also used the additional noise from this site to generate tones.

spiricom tones that were created from this software and it seems to help.

I hope this helps. I have been working on positive energies and higher levels for contact, I will except nothing else. Bill O'Neil went thru the gamant before he finally got the higher levels.  I also tried the old spiricom freq added to the one I use, but I heard way to many lower planes. I am beginning to think that maybe a freq is based on location or the person doing the communicating? What does anyone think about this?

Thanks Again



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 Posted: Jan 2nd, 2008 07:18 PM
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Hi All,

I have tried a new technique and would appreciate any and all comments or corrections to cleaning somewhat. Can you guys tell me what is being said in small increments, my ears hurt tonight and cannot make it out.

I used to various transmitters for noise one from a friend with the original spiricom

sounds and also from the UK EVP assistant V1.01 and radios set to 29 mhz exactly and 177 mhz respectively at the same time.  Remember I am in Mexico and their is NO English stations here lol:wink:

Again I appreciate this boards time and comments on this subject as I am getting stronger I hope.....:blush:



Attachment: MZ000005wavearts_CLR.MP3 (Downloaded 1382 times)

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 Posted: Jan 2nd, 2008 09:36 PM
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A note to all:  I just talked to lkimberly on the telephone.  I explained to her that I heard many voices in her recording; as if she and I were standing in a ballroom, and many people were around us talking.  While she and I were discussing this on the telephone, she asked me if I would like to hear her speak to them on her system. 

"Well...Yeah!", I replied.

She turned on her system while I was listening.  After the sytem was stable (approx. 15 seconds) she introduced herself, and told her Spiritual friends that I was near her.  She asked them to say "Hello" to me.  Immediately after she asked that favor, I heard though the telephone  a loud, and definate "HELLO!"  Right after that, I heard a simple, relatively quiet, jumble of a conversation.

After that, lkinberly and I talked about many things on the design of Spiricom Mark VI.

I AM convinced that she is psychically connected!  I am  so very grateful to have such an inspiring, and encouraging team with me, as I progress in design of Mark VI!

Many Blessings,


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 Posted: Jan 2nd, 2008 10:58 PM
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Hi Everyone!

I've been away for some time now, but I"m back, and trying to absorb as much as I can about the spiricom tones being used and your techniques you all are using with the tones and EVP recording. I have the EVP Assistant v1.0 as well, and have been using the spiricom tone setting in that program as background noise, but haven't really been getting much success with it. I'm recording with a marantz PMD-201 tape recorder as well as various digital voice recorders, set on low quality of course.

Sorry to butt in here and hijack the thread for my own, I was just wondering what these other spiricom tones you are speaking of come from? Where can I get them? Are the "original" spiricom tones available for download somewhere? Also, is there a particular standard procedure to abide by when using spiricom tones, such as volume of the tones at a particular level, the microphone being in wide open space, or enclosed in something ect? Just wondering what your specific proceedures were that were giving you such high amount of success so I can try to replicate that myself.

I've mentioned it a few times before, but I just don't get good EVP in my house for some reason, I think it has something to do with it being a parsonage over 100 years ago, but you never know! Most of my EVP's come from outings, at cemeteries and places like that, I really wish I could open the porthole to my house! Any suggestions?

I've tried to scour the board here before posting, so please excuse my ignorance if it has all recently been posted somewhere and I overlooked it!

Thanks all, hope you all had a very happy new years!

Chris ;)

Last edited on Jan 2nd, 2008 10:59 PM by NS-EVP

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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 07:56 AM
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Hi Chris,

First to open a portal say a prayer of protection, I always do... and I NEVER accept lower enities or spirits PERIOD!

Second, regarding the original tones I can post them hear for you. They are volume reduced as they can be quiet loud. I received them from a friend of mine in England.

I also take a mic and put a funnel around it like Sarah Estep always did, it funnels there voices I think smoother. put your voice quality on high, not low, even a min or 2 is better than 5 mins of bad quality.

Wish you the best and Blessings,


Attachment: spiricomMixsound reduced.MP3 (Downloaded 1619 times)

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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 09:50 AM
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Thank you so much Jeff for your encouragement, I truly enjoyed our  chat



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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 10:39 AM
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Hi Laura,

I always do say a prayer of protection, and try to envision the "white light" protecting myself and my family, in fact I've wondered if I somehow did this myself by envisioning the white light "blanketing" my whole house for protection! Then I started to wonder if that meant the only ones that were avaliable to speak with me "were" low level entities, and since they weren't talking now as I blocked them, nobody was. Then I though that was silly, there are billions of spirits out there, why would I only be able to contact low level entities. I even questioned myself, my attitude, my demeanor and examined my mood, energy level when recording (which is poor at best lately anyhow due to my health), and thought maybe because there is a bit of an "excitement" in an outing that might "fuel" a better response, but all in all, nothing is any different when I record here.

I was really hoping to figure out something different to "change" the environment here to make it more active if you know what I mean. I've been recording in this old 110 year old house where I live for about a year now, with consistant results, meaning poor at best.

I also considered the "noise factor" to be an issue as well, when I'm in the house the noise is either supplied by the internal noise of the low setting of my digital voice recorder, (or my fan heater that is usually running, it's minus 16 degrees C here today!) or supplied specific background noises, like the spiricom tones from EVP assistant (by the way, please do post those original spiricom tones for me!!) or white noise, but when I'm in the field, the noise is in the form of "natural environment" sounds, wind, the ocean, me moving around or even footsteps, birds chirping, whatever.

It's not like I "never" get a capture here, but they are few and far between, and usually short one worder's, or very weak in volume, rarely class "B", and I've come to notice that it's amost like I get the captures before I announce myself, after I switch on the recorders, but after I start asking questions or talking, it gets really quiet, like they don't want to talk to me intentionally. I wonder why that might be?

I'll post an example of what I suspect here, I asked a question "can you tell me your name please", and I received a whispery response that sounded like one entity speaking to another saying "I don't want to tell him".

Maybe you might hear something different, but it's clear as a bell to me!

Not to confuse this post with too many topics at once, but our initial converation was about background noise, such as the spiricom, white noise ect, and one of the most confusing aspects of recording to me lately (although I almost always record on the lowest setting possible with a digital voice recorder) is noise Vs quality and settings.

What I mean is that everyone (including Tom at the AAEVP) suggests using the lowest recording quality possible on a digital voice recorder, which I have been doing, but it has occurred to me that a better way of doing things might be to use the best quality possible and provide the exact "noise" the entities need to communicate with us, which can later be filtered out somehow, leaving a clear voice and high quality recording left behind. I suggested this to AAEVP and this was one of the responses:

"We always recommend the use of an inexpensive digital voice recorder for a person to begin recording--if they are going to buy one. You can explore later, but digital give the best chance that we know of today. If you have a high quality recorder of any kind, expect to add sound for voice formation (a fan will work) and use low quality settings when available. If you use a tape or disk transport device, use an external microphone."

 You also suggest using high quality settings or a high quality device for recording with, but that gets back to the original delemma of whether or not the entities have something to construct their voices with or not. I guess this is because you are confident the tones you are supplying are adequate for the job correct?

I was reading also that Sarah Estep used the background noises at a very high volume lever, explaining that this resulted in a very loud EVP, do you agree with this in your experience to work the best? What volume level are you providing your background noises at?

I know I've asked alot of questions in one post, sorry to jump around like that, but they are all questions I'd like addresses so hopefully I can attain a better track record in my captures, and head towards refining a technique that works best for me here, in this house!

Thanks everyone for enduring my long winded post as most of them seem to

Chris ;)

Attachment: i-dont-want-to-tell-him-19nov07.mp3 (Downloaded 1221 times)

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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 02:05 PM
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Hi Chris,

I hear the file just fine! Now, I will tell you when I record at times its pretty heavy loaded with loud sounds at times, there are times I am talking at the top of my lungs over the buzz. But, I have gotten to where I am I guess because I have been doing it fairly stable since before the forum.

But, saying the prayer and doing all of those things does not stop the good and loving ones from talking to you.I don't have an answer for what to tell you except maybe get some Kosher salt mix with water and spray the house and grounds like you would for bugs, that will in fact remove whatever could be blocking for you to record evps drv or spiricom. Your health may be a factor too, but, I highly doubt it.

I did not post the original files of spiricom just for you and you alone, they are there for the forum, we share often here.

I also DID NOT say...expensive devices were required, I said, hi quality verses low quality when you record. I have a cheap 25 Walmart digital I love and I have the setting on the highest quality to achieved the maxium I can. Sony ICD8500 IC recorder.
But Chris, I started and got lower guys to. It took awhile and then I said  "you're outta here" But I get them occasionallyonly now.  I do not give them time of day and they eventually move on. Be patient when its quiet and your trying to hear, they will come and speak to ya, I am encouraging you to hang in there.

I can't explain why I get them, I am a certified psychic from a state in the United States, and I mediate as you. But, there are others whom are not as much and get recordings. So, lets be patient and see, try the Kosher salt :biggrin: it may make a big difference on your land and house.

I am going to post 2 recordings, ok first is the original form.....listen to all the noise I have going on, (drives one crazy) and then listen to the second file after its been cleaned. My personal goal is to hear them clearer like they were already cleaned, so, with that; that's what I am aiming at my fellow researcher.



Attachment: MZ000006converted 8000.MP3 (Downloaded 1453 times)

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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 02:07 PM
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Now Chris here is the cleaned one from the original I just posted.


Attachment: MZ000006waveart_CLR_CLRedited.mp3 (Downloaded 1201 times)

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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 02:07 PM
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Last edited on Jan 3rd, 2008 02:09 PM by lkimberley

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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 03:40 PM
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Hi There,

What are these 2 mp3's you sent? Are these the spiricom sound recordings, or are they captures?

Chris ;)

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 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2008 03:54 PM
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Oh, I see now that these are

For some reason audition kept opening the first one when I clicked on the second one, so I never heard the cleaned up one until I went "file/open" in audition and opened it that way. Wow, you did filter out quite a bit of noise from the first file, although I can only understand a bit of the capture.

Are the spiricom tones already posted somewhere that I can download them then?

Chris ;)


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 Posted: Jan 4th, 2008 08:27 AM
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Hi Laura, many thanks for the info and the upload of the tone's that you use.  If I can ask a little more, how do you proceed?, i.e do you play a white noise radio for background while at the same time playing the spiricom tones, and are they all recorded together to acuminate as one sound when recording, with the final result of a voice being heard through the radio speaker.  Hope you don't mind my asking these questions, as i am very interested in giving it ago.  :thumbup:


David UK

Ps. Sorry if sometime's my literacy skills are somewhat lacking, this is due to the fact that I am 50% dyslexic.  I mention this to cover any embrrassing literacy slip up's

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 Posted: Jan 4th, 2008 08:35 AM
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Hi Chris, you mentioned about the spiricom tones.  Below is the link to Bruce's upload of tone's for use in spiricom experiment.

Regards UK


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 Posted: Jan 4th, 2008 09:32 AM
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DavidR wrote: Ps. Sorry if sometime's my literacy skills are somewhat lacking, this is due to the fact that I am 50% dyslexic.  I mention this to cover any embrrassing literacy slip up's
Sorry David, but you are hereby banned from high-voltage circuitry, and soldering irons.  :wink:


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 Posted: Jan 4th, 2008 01:40 PM
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DavidR wrote: Hi Chris, you mentioned about the spiricom tones.  Below is the link to Bruce's upload of tone's for use in spiricom experiment.

Regards UK


Hi David,

Thanks so much for posting the link, I have downloaded the file and just listened to it. Is this an original spiricom tone?

I notice there are 2 tones, the first sounds to me as if it has some "high frequency" element to it, what are the differences between the 2 tones?

I watched that spiricom video on youtube, and these tones sound like the spiricom tones being used by the spiricom machine in use on the video. It reminded me of thise devices people who lost their voice box to cancer have to use to talk, like a "robotic" kind of voice. The other tones from the EVP assistant 1.0 sound nothing like these tones, can you explain that to me if you know why?


Chris ;)

Last edited on Jan 4th, 2008 04:24 PM by NS-EVP

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 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 07:22 AM
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Since I originally posted the set of tones you're asking about I thought I would respond to your post to David. You will find a more detailed discussion of the tone frequencies and the reasons for their selections in a post by me to the "Spiricom Experiment voice 1 and 2" thread on 9:07 a.m. December 15. To briefly answer a couple of your questions here...

>> Is this an original spiricom tone? <<

O'Neill used a number of different sets of 13 tones during development of the Spiricom device. While the frequencies of the set of tones I gave in the above post are very close to a set Keith found were used by O'Neill in one of the available Spiricom recordings, there are some small differences. The 13 frequencies I selected have the same kind of harmonic structure as "original Spiricom" tones.

>> I notice there are 2 tones, the first sounds to me as if it has some "high frequency" element to it, what are the differences between the 2 tones? <<

The 13 frequencies used in the two different tones are exactly the same. They are: 200-300-400-500-600-700-800-900-1000-1100-1200-1300-1400 hertz. The only difference between the two sets of the waveforms used. The "high-frequency element" that you hear is the triangle waveform set which has more high frequency harmonics than the other set made with pure sine waves. The following paragraph is a quote from my original post:

I have attached a small MP3 file with these frequencies for your listening pleasure and analysis. The first set is about 5 seconds of triangle waveform, about 2 seconds of silence, then about 5 seconds of sine waveform. These can be used for frequency analysis software to compare the harmonic content of the two waveforms. My preference would be to experiment with the triangle waveform for its richer, high frequency harmonic content.

>> I watched that spiricom video on youtube, and these tones sound like the spiricom tones being used by the spiricom machine in use on the video. It reminded me of thise devices people who lost their voice box to cancer have to use to talk, like a "robotic" kind of voice. The other tones from the EVP assistant 1.0 sound nothing like these tones, can you explain that to me if you know why? <<

The voice box you refer to is, I believe, similar to a Spiricom device in that it provides a rich set of fundamental and harmonic frequencies within the human voice frequency range. The person using this box, through normal manipulation of their resonant cavities (throat, mouth, sinus and the nasal cavities for instance) is able to accentuate some tones and attenuate others to form an intelligible human voice sound. It is my feeling that much could be learned about how nonphysical beings utilize a Spiricom device to create an intelligible voice sounds by studying an understanding how the voice box you refer to works.

Hope that's helpful,


Last edited on Jan 5th, 2008 07:30 AM by Bruce

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 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 01:41 PM
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Hello Bruce,

Thank you so much for replying with that detailed information.

I have a better understanding now of what the tones are, and how they are to be used.

I was wondering however if you were able to clarify this statement if possible, so I can fully understand it's meaning:

"The person using this box, through normal manipulation of their resonant cavities (throat, mouth, sinus and the nasal cavities for instance) is able to accentuate some tones and attenuate others to form an intelligible human voice sound."

It described the usage of the spiricom tone via the EVP assistant 1.0 software, so I want to be sure I understand what you are describing so I can closely replicate it's proper usage.

I also agree there is much to be learned, but I wonder by that statement if I'm only talking about myself, or everyone else, as I'm not sure what other's out there in the world understand about this concept, and what real research has been done other than the spiricom experiments.I think one would really have to be an audiologist to truely understand alot of the concepts of human speech and hearing, as there is alot of background science that needs to be understood if the goal is to replicate a human voice box that eminates all or some of the human range of voice tones at once for the purpose of manupulation by entities.

I do try to keep up on everything especially when it comes to reading the forum before asking questions that might already be answered, but sometimes find that the amount of information to "sift" through is a bit overwhelming at times, especially when I'm just looking for the answer to one particular question or point. In addition to this, there is just so much information to take in at once, and much of it are person's opinions, which sometimes conflict with other information I may read elsewhere, so it does get confusing sometimes. So I really appreciate that you answered my questions that probably have already been discussed elsewhere on the board!


Chris ;)

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 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 01:58 PM
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lkimberley wrote:
But, saying the prayer and doing all of those things does not stop the good and loving ones from talking to you.I don't have an answer for what to tell you except maybe get some Kosher salt mix with water and spray the house and grounds like you would for bugs, that will in fact remove whatever could be blocking for you to record evps drv or spiricom. Your health may be a factor too, but, I highly doubt it.

Oh, by the way Laura, I"m going to "spray" or sprinkle around the kosher salt I picked up today, is there any particular prayer or statement I should be making as I do so?

lkimberley wrote: But Chris, I started and got lower guys to. It took awhile and then I said  "you're outta here" But I get them occasionallyonly now.  I do not give them time of day and they eventually move on. Be patient when its quiet and your trying to hear, they will come and speak to ya, I am encouraging you to hang in there.

Again, I"m not completely new to recording, I've been doing it for just over a year now, but have to keep taking "breaks" from recording, and I think this has effected my "relationship" or developeing one with the entities. But again, oddly enough, if I go anywhere else, I get EVP's, I've captured quite a few EVP's over the past year, some are pretty interesting, so I do get them, just not often at "this" house. I feel it is something to do with the house, not me or my techniques. I just have never escallated to the level of being able to turn on the recorder and having the spirits sitting there waiting to speak with me as some members have, I do get lots of EVP, just few and far between, never the same person twice I don't believe, and not often at the house.

I should add that I am capable of feeling "vibes", but that is the extent of what I would call my pshycic abilities, I feel good vibes, and I feel bad ones. When I was house hunting over a year ago now, I would note how every house I entered felt different, some good, some bad, and a few we had to actually "leave" as it felt so evil. The interesting thing about this house is it is the only one where I can honestly say I felt absolutely "Nothing"! Neither does my wife who seems to also share this capability with me.

Then I learned it was built as a Baptist Parsonage over 100 years ago, so I figured maybe that had something to do with it. One of the previous owners even actually commited suicide in the back yard here, but still, no vibes, none at all. I would like to see what a certified phsycic would have to say if they came here to feel the place out. I've only ever had one EVP that I would classify as negative, and it is so faint, it really is hard to hear it, but in general, the EVP's Ive had are good natured ones, usually a few words or so.

I will take your advise with the salt and let you know what happens, I was just wondering if there was a preferred prayer or incantation to clean the house and make it more attractive to the sprits, also allowing me a better communication with them.

Chris ;)


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 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 03:34 PM
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Hi Chris,

The best answer I can ever give you or anyone is this: A desire from your heart to communicate. Pick a time of day everyday and make it a routine even for a few minutes. When the trust is buildt up and word gets out your available, they should  come. Also, you maybe being actually doing so well the higher levels are having a hard time connecting to you based on Freq, tones, modulation we all do not know that answer yet, thats why were all here.

But, just a simple prayer between you and the Higher power and a desire for good, and knowledge is all I would say a good person can pray for including peace for all mankind and better enlightenment for us all. Thats as simple as i can put it's your soul that will know the words to say....speak it from your heart they will all hear you.

Band and command all negativity from the area even if you thinks their not there.



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 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 04:01 PM
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I was wondering however if you were able to clarify this statement if possible, so I can fully understand it's meaning:

"The person using this box, through normal manipulation of their resonant cavities (throat, mouth, sinus and the nasal cavities for instance) is able to accentuate some tones and attenuate others to form an intelligible human voice sound."

In normal speech for a person with a normal set of vocal chords those vocal chords do there things:  they produce a buzzing sound at a specific fundamental frequency along with the harmonics of that fundamental; and provide a way for that fundamental frequency to be modulated to higher or lower frequencies: the buzzing sound they make can be turned on and off at will (providing for silence between the words we speak). 

We then alter the sound those factors provide into smooth intelligible voice sounds by altering the resonant cavities available to us to selectively attenuate or increase some of the harmonic frequencies.  For example, continuously say the letter "a" sound as in the word "day" for about 3 seconds than without stopping slowly change to saying the letter "o" sound as in the word "boat."  Pay close attention to the changes you make to shape of your throat, mouth, tongue and lips as you make the change in sound from "a" to "o."  Your throat, mouth, tongue and lips are forming resonant cavities.  The vocal chords, if held to the same basic frequecy, are providing almost exactly same fundamental frequency and set of harmonics.  By changing the shapes of your resonant cavities the sound produced by you changes from "a" to "o."  This even though their originate at the same fundamental frequency and harmonics.

The cancer patient buzz box cannot change its fundamental frequency or harmonic frequencies it produces, and it cannot be turned off and on between words like normal vocal chords.  So, the resulting sound the cancer patient can make with this box has a very limited (monotone) voice quality.

And with the cancer patient buzz box we hear the continous buzzing sound between words our own vocal chords would make if we could not turn off and on.

>>  It described the usage of the spiricom tone via the EVP assistant 1.0 software, so I want to be sure I understand what you are describing so I can closely replicate it's proper usage.  <<

Don't know much about EVP assistant or what it recommends.


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 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 05:29 PM
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Thanks Bruce for clarifying this for me. Were you involved with the original spiricom experiments somehow? You sound very knowledgeable about all of this.

When you said "the person using this box", I thought you were referring to the EVP assistant as a "virtual" voice box, my misunderstanding, and I know whay you mean now!

I guess one of the things I've been going over in my mind about frequencies and types of energies that may be useful in the communictasion with spirits is about why we have to replicate so closely the "human qualities" of voice frequencies and tones that fall within the normal range of human hearing. I often wonder if there are certain energies or frequencies that can "propogate" easier in terms of how the spirits perceive them, and can utilize them, and could then be up/down converted to the human hearing range. At thispoint I'm talking about receiving. In terms of transmitting, I also wonder why a spirit would be limited to only being able to perceive sound energy in the frequency range of human hearing, wouldn't it be possible for them to be sensitive to a range of frequencies (even light and colour frequencies) far outside the range of human senses?

If they exist at a "higher frequency", as we describe it, maybe we are interpreting such a different type of frequency (meaning a non-time based frequency) as a higher frequency, but it's really not higher at all, maybe it's the same frequency we exist in, but since this frequency is not time based, maybe it is based on something else we are not able to yet comprehend?

We can only understand the visible and detectable electromagnetic spectrum as we know it today, but what is "beyond" those limits, maybe it doesn't "keep going", maybe it "wraps back around" at some point, forming the next dimension, then wraps back up and around forming the next, and so on, back and forth, making it's own macro-cosmic frequency? I"m not sure if I'm explaining what I have in my mind correctly as maybe there aren't any real physical terms to describe what I"m thinking.

I'm trying to think outside the box, or in this case, outside the universe.

Maybe the reason spirits get so "winded" trying to communicate with us at our level is because they have to expend so much of their limited energy to up/down convert to our level. Perhaps we should try to meet them half way somehow by trying to receive and transmit at frequencies closer to their realm, such as the ultra-violet spectrum of light at 465Nm or so, and convert it to the human voice range of frequencies for listening? Does any of what I'm thinking about make and

Anyhow, just a though, thanks for litening to me thinking out loud!

Chris ;)

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 Posted: Jan 5th, 2008 11:29 PM
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I was recording with the new spiricom tones I obtained here, in addition to running a fan as well for some extra noise. I was monitoring it and recording it with 3 different digital voice recorders, an Olympus WS300M, a Sony B26, and an RCA RP5013A, which I rarely use.

I heard no EVP while monitoring the recording session, and about 3/4 way through I decided to turn off the spiricom tone as it was giving me a bit of a headache, so I asked "is it easier to speak without the tone now........just the fan?"

And a couple seconds later I can hear a female voice say "Yes".

I guess they don't like the spiricom tone afterall, at least not this spirit doesn't seem to!

The funny thing is, after she answered "yes" to that question that it was easier to speak now, she never said anything

Have a listen and tell me if you can hear it also.

I guess sprinkling that salt did make a difference after all.

Chris ;)

Attachment: WS_30009-06jan08--YES.mp3 (Downloaded 1345 times)

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2008 12:15 AM
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Hey great going!!!! I hear her clearly!

Great Job!



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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2008 05:01 AM
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>>  Were you involved with the original spiricom experiments somehow? <<

Nope, I just have a fascination with transcommunication devices and so I have done a lot of reading, experimenting and thinking about the subject.  I've been working on development of a transcommunication device that has some similarities to Spiricom.  So, most everything I have to say is just a matter of opinions I've come to hold over years of experimenting.

>> why we have to replicate so closely the "human qualities" of voice frequencies and tones that fall within the normal range of human hearing.  <<

Not for their benefit, but for ours.  If we are going to understand what they have to say it would be nice if they said it in an intelligible human voice and in my case perferably in English :d)

>>  I also wonder why a spirit would be limited to only being able to perceive sound energy in the frequency range of human hearing  <<

In my opinion they have no such limitation, we just need to provide a means for their form of nonphysical speech to be understandable to physical human ears.

From your recording in which the female voice is clearly heard to say yes I am curious about what kind of equipment you are using, how it compares to the original Spiricom device, and how you are utilizing the 13 tones.  Maybe you have already described this in detail and if so perhaps you could just post a link to that description?


Last edited on Jan 6th, 2008 05:03 AM by Bruce

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2008 11:42 AM
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Hi Bruce & Laura,

Thanks for confirming what I can hear Laura.

Bruce, I'm not sure if I ever did post here my spoecific methods and equipment as I am involved with several different forums at once (including my own at pardon the plug hehe) and I'm starting to forget where I posted what if it's more than a week

Anyhow, I've tried so many different methods to see what might be effective, I decided just to follow the "kiss" rule (keep it simple stupid) and revert to what I was doing when I was getting lots of EVP's, which was basically just a fan and a recorder of some type. I agree with what many people say about the fan noise, there's something about it that seems to do the trick for the entities. I've tried so many different background noises at different intensities there's too many to list here, but in general, I've tried running water, the fan (several different fans actually) the spiricom tones aquired here, the EVP assistant tones in all combinations including it's version of spiricom tones, background noise from an electronic noise generator unit (one of those handheld things that provide soothing sounds), which include digital white noise, waterfall, waves, ocean to name a few, and I've even created my own backgound sounds by prounouncing all of the vowels a, e, i, o, u, and then overlapped them all with audition to play all together in one file, and looped that recording to play continuously.

In this particular experiment, I have the output of my PC connected to a disco mixer, and the output of the disco mixer goes to a small audio amp which has speakers connected to it. I sometimes use the speakers built into my flatscreen monitor, but find the sound is not as "rich".

I"m using Adobe audition 1.5 to play the spiricom tones for background noise, using the first tone with the triangle waves. The tone is not manipulated in any way by the mixer, just played through it. In the past I've used the mixer to "mix" several different sounds together in the output, including an input microphone for my voice, and white noise from an air band radio tuned to different frequencies, but usually to 132Mhz, and even the output of an HP 8011A pulse generator to supply different tones, but I did none of that this time, just played the tone through the mixer and amp, and had a fan running also.

I recorded via 3 digital voice recorders simultaniously, an Olympus WS-300M recorder, a Sony B26 recorder, and an RCA RP5013A digital recorder, all set to their lowest settings. All of these recorders had a Sony ECM-DS70P external stereo microphone connected to them.

Upon reviewing these recordings, no EVP were present that I could hear in a 10 minute recording, except for the one I posted here, which only showed up on the RCA recorder. Interestingly enough, the RCA recorder is by far the noisiest recorder, so noisy in fact that my voice can barely be heard over the spiricom tones, it was very garbled while the spiricom tones were playing, but after I stopped the spiricon tones, you can hear for yourself what my voice sounded like with the fan only, it was reasonable recognisable. Perhaps the success of the RCA recording was solely due to the large amount of the device's internal noise, and had nothing to do with background sounds at all.

Perhaps she was (the spirit) speaking throughout the recording, but the spiricom tones somehow drowned them out, and by the time she could answer that it was better without the tones, she was too tired to say anything else. Otherwise, I"m not sure why she would go through the trouble of telling me it's better now without the spiricom tones, only to not say anything anymore!

I"m going to try again tonight, with the same setup, and ask again in particular for this female spirit, and see if she replies to me, hopefully she will be able to.

Do you think that issue here was possibly just that the spiricom sounds were too loud? From what I've read, including Sarah Estep's information (although I know she wasn't involved with spiricom), a louder background noise is more preferable, providing more energy for modulation by the spirit, but if they were only able to "modulate" the fan's noise, I can see how the spiricom sound would drown that out. Perhaps the equipment used to play the spiricom noise is not "quality" enough to provide all of the harmonics ect needed?

What about "charging" a room, in other words, providing reasonable loud tones or background noise for a period of time before actually recording, I hear that also works. What is your opinion on that? Does anyone here do that?

Thanks again Bruce!

Chris ;)

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 Posted: Jan 10th, 2008 07:49 PM
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Keith Clark

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Hello everybody,

I feel the need to make sure that I clarify the purpose of the Spiricom topic. I failed to do that earlier, and just want to make sure that the intent of this Spiricom Topic is clear.

Please keep the material posted in this thread to experimental attempts that would be related to Spiricom.

To define "related to Spiricom":   In order to at least be considered similar, an experimenter would use a combination of tones and/or a transmitter/receiver combination. This forum is for experimenters who attempt to duplicate and refine the methods used by Meek and O'Neil.

One of the major differences between Spiricom and regular radio attempts is that in Spiricom experiments the experimenter is the creator and author of the original source of the radio signal and the audio tones. In normal radio comunications the experimenter is usually only the receiver of what arrives at the final destination.



Last edited on Jan 10th, 2008 08:26 PM by Keith Clark

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 Posted: Jan 10th, 2008 07:51 PM
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Keith Clark

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Here is the link to the post providing tone software links you were referencing.



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 Posted: Jan 10th, 2008 07:56 PM
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Keith Clark wrote: Chris,

Here is the link to the post providing tone software links you were referencing.



Hi Keith, I've already downloaded those!

Thanks a bunch for posting that for me though!

Chris ;)

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 Posted: Jan 16th, 2008 11:41 AM
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Hi Chris and gang. How were these tones generated Bruce? I've also made loops of spiricom tones and I must say, my version is markedly different than those I've heard on Spiricom.

Can you tell us how your tone set was generated and how these were blended. Were all tones put down unity gain?

I'm hearing a 5th (harmonically speaking) Root and perhaps an octave. Are the other tones lower in volume?

Thanks much for the detailed info!
John D

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 Posted: Jan 17th, 2008 05:33 AM
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Notemanz wrote: How were these tones generated Bruce? I've also made loops of spiricom tones and I must say, my version is markedly different than those I've heard on Spiricom.

Can you tell us how your tone set was generated and how these were blended. Were all tones put down unity gain?

I'm hearing a 5th (harmonically speaking) Root and perhaps an octave. Are the other tones lower in volume?


These tones were generated using a piece of software called, NCH Tone/Waveform Generator available for free download at  It's simple and easy to use to generate single or simultaneous multiple tones in a variety of waveforms and gain levels.

The 13 tones I posted were generated simultaneously, one set being sine waves and the other triangle waveform.  All tones were set to the same gain level, although the software lets you set them individually if you prefer.

All generated tones are at the same gain and there are harmonics generated also depending on the waveform chosen.  If memory serves correct the sine wave will have only the even numbered harmonics and the triangle form will have both odd and even harmonics.  Hence the "richer" sound for the triangle form.

Another piece of software you really ought to have is something to analyze the frequency content of a set of tones.  A good free one is the Right Mark Audio Analyzer available free at  This will take the guesswork out of what frequencies are present at what amplitudes.  It outputs a nice easy to read graphic of the frequency content.



Last edited on Jan 17th, 2008 05:41 AM by Bruce

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 Posted: Jan 17th, 2008 10:47 AM
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Thanks much Bruce!  I use Audacity also for tone generation and it's free too.  I've done blends of same tones and gotten different results than yours hence my questions. I'm also now using analog generation for our new system.

I'm hoping the analysis sorftware is Mac friendly, if not I'll use my PC DC6 system.

Are you posting new results on this site?

Pls. check out my first run with our system in development: Staticom.


John D

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