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Spiricom Experiment voice 1 and 2  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Nov 20th, 2007 01:00 PM
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I have included two extracts from my spiricom experiment.  I have converted them to MP3, if there is difficulty with hearing them I can convert again. 

The coversation with the spirit named Seth was two-way, but I was only able to record his voice directly on to tape from the combined radio/tape palyer that I was using at the time.  Unfortunately finances at that time did not allow me to buy other equiptment that would have enabled me to record myself asking questions while at the same time recording Seth's voice.  The reason I know the spirit contact to be named Seth is from contant listening to the filtered spiricom recording.

The exambles shown here are from the filtered version.  I will post the original shortly.  In total the full length of the recording is eight minutes long David UK

Attachment: Spiricom 1.mp3 (Downloaded 2653 times)

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 Posted: Nov 20th, 2007 01:06 PM
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David UK

Attachment: spiricom 2.mp3 (Downloaded 2239 times)

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 Posted: Nov 20th, 2007 01:38 PM
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For some reason the web sight informs me that the unfiltered verions of spiricom 1 and 2 are to long to upload.  I have cropped some away but the same problem remains.  Will continue until I can possible sort it out.  The only other option is to ask Keith if he can upload the full length spiricom that I sent him my post from the UK.  Will keep you informed.

David UK

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 Posted: Nov 20th, 2007 02:37 PM
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DavidR wrote: For some reason the web sight informs me that the unfiltered verions of spiricom 1 and 2 are to long to upload.  I have cropped some away but the same problem remains.  Will continue until I can possible sort it out.  The only other option is to ask Keith if he can upload the full length spiricom that I sent him my post from the UK.  Will keep you informed.

David UK

Cool samples David!  That's great!  What was the source for the voice?  It sounded very metallic, as if it was simply a harmonic(s) of the analog to digital converter in a digital recorder.


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 Posted: Nov 21st, 2007 07:34 AM
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Keith Clark

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Hi David,

How large are the files that you are trying to post? The current limit is 1MB. In special cases I will upload files to the ftp server........

Overall, I find that a 1mb file is sufficient for audio files. Honestly, the majority of people will not listen to more than a minute of a recording - if that. It should be easy to fit it into a file within the limit size for posting.

On average I prefer higher quality audio samples. To achieve this, I usually downsample my files from 44100 to 22khz, stereo to mono (sometimes), and .mp3 format.

Would you like me to post your files that you sent me (a briefer version??)


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 Posted: Nov 21st, 2007 03:55 PM
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Hi Keith, the filtered sample is 17 sec long and 2.68 MB which uploaded ok, and the unfiltered sample is 12 sec long and 2.06 MB.  What I think the problem might be with the unfiltered sample is the amount of white noise compaired to the filtered version which is reduced.  Not to worry, it just would have been nice for people to compair the filtered with the original. 


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 Posted: Nov 21st, 2007 04:22 PM
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Hi Jeff

Yes, I know what you mean about the harmonic sound of the spiricom sample.  The audio tone uesd for the experiment consisted of 13 tones combined to make the one frequency.  Tone frquency of male = 174.61 Hz and female = 261.63 Hz.  The generrated tones where then recorded onto cassette tape.  The Walkman tape player was then connected to the spiricom via a jac lead and the toned frequency transmitted to a radio/tape recorder as the reciever.  There was a terrific amount of what I termed bad white noise that camouflaged any voice that attempted to make contact.  In the original unfiltered spiricom version you can make out a voice but very difficult to ascertain what was being said, hence the need for filtering.  Sorry that I am unable to upload the unfiltered version, but in case you might be interested I can if you wish send a copy of the three versions of the spiricom experiment which are as follows, orgininal, filtered, and enhanced.  I found this the best way for Keith to listen to them, it took only a few days for the CD to arrive in the US.  Anyway Jeff I will leave that with you. 

Ps reason for putting the UK is, there is another member called David so as not to confuse which one is which.

Best wiahes

David UK

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 Posted: Nov 21st, 2007 04:28 PM
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Hi again Keith, forgot to ask, when you say post the files but a briefer version do you mean on your web sight. if thats the case then please yes do by all means, that would be great.


David UK

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 Posted: Nov 26th, 2007 07:36 AM
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Keith Clark

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Files are posted here:




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 Posted: Nov 27th, 2007 09:06 PM
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Dear David,

I'm new to this forum but have followed Keith's great work on another site. My strength is in detailed filtering of sound.  I've done a quick filter of one of your examples and have gotten some encouraging results.

Have you transcribed what you're hearing?

I will do so in my version and would love to compare notes with you.

Here is my filtered and frequency modulated version. (Which I hope you won't mind me posting...)

Very interesting results and I look forward to hearing your progress!

John D

Attachment: Spiricom 1.mp3 (Downloaded 1771 times)

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 Posted: Nov 29th, 2007 04:51 PM
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Hi John D, no problem at all filtering the spiricom samples, I think this is why Keith put them on this web sight, but to mention however I am unable to decipher any words compaired to the spiricom original from your filtered sample.  But not to worry, your filtering seems to bring forward more of the human element of the voice which is good.  I will have a listen again to my spiricom voices and post what I thnk they are saying, but this will only be in parts of the experiment as most is hard to understand.

best wishes

David UK

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 Posted: Nov 29th, 2007 05:04 PM
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Thanks David!  I do hear words and I'd love to transcibe what I hear.  Not all parts are terribly audible yet, but your system seems to hold great promise.... I put down what i hear in the next post.



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 Posted: Nov 30th, 2007 11:40 AM
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Hi John, any words you might be able to decipher, please feel free to post them on Keith's sight, I will do the same when I manage to have a listen.


David UK

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 Posted: Nov 30th, 2007 11:46 AM
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John, forgot to mention that Keith has uploaded the full spiricom file so you should be able to hear the complete versions, filed under (David Rogers spiricom files)


David UK

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 Posted: Nov 30th, 2007 11:46 AM
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John, forgot to mention that Keith has uploaded the full spiricom file so you should be able to hear the complete versions, filed under (David Rogers spiricom files)


David UK

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 Posted: Dec 12th, 2007 07:10 PM
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I have been working on development of a device with the same goals as Spiricom since the late 90s.  I had been at it for quite a while before I came across the Spiricom information and the Report.  Since then I have incorporated some of the Spiricom concepts into my prototypes with some meager successes.

I downloaded and listened to your two Spiricom mp3 files and viewed them using Goldwave software.  Then I discovered that  the full versions of these files were available so I downloaded those and have been playing with them using additive synthesis software to try to tease out the voice.  Voice appears to definitely be there, just not very intelligible yet.

Is there somewhere on this site or elsewhere that describes how your ran your experiment and created these files? 

Maybe I am way behind the curve of where folks on this forum are in their experiments and development, my interest is in sharing what I have discovered in the hopes that it may help.  So I will just jump in and ask questions you have probably answered before about ground long since covered.

I have spent quite a bit of time in the past analyzing the frequency content of the Spiricom "bed of audio frequencies" the 13 frequencies that the documentation claims were used. 

I began by isolating small clips of these sounds within some of the available recordings of O'Neil using the device in conversations.  The isolated clips I used were portions of the recording in which no one was speaking.  I then ran these short clips through FFT software to take a look at the frequency content.  To my surprise there is quite a bit of variety in the frequency content between different recordings.  Looks like they didn't always use the same frequencies.

I then began to work at using a mix of frequencies and waveforms to try recreate both the sound and frequency content of the isolated clips.  I found the best recreations to be made with a mix of sawtooth type waveforms.  They give a far richer harmonic frequency content than sine waves, and the resulting "bed of audio frequencies" sound very much like the clips.

Anyway, I am keen on getting involved by understanding the present state of the art various members are at in their experiments and seeing if anything I have done in the past could be of help.

Looking forward to hearing from you,






Last edited on Dec 13th, 2007 05:08 AM by Bruce

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 Posted: Dec 13th, 2007 02:45 PM
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Hi Bruce, thanks for your letter.  The spiricom experiment on the ITC- Bridge was performed about 12 years ago.  I have had contact with various othe voices but nothing compared to the Seth recording.  There is a picture of the spiricom device in the EVP section on Keith's web sight.  The recored 13 tones  were done on a computer by a psychic researcher friend Gordon, and then copied onto cassette tape. To do the experiment I connected a walkman tape player to the spiricom.  Using a radio/tape recorder as the receiver tuned to between 83-108 MHz FM.  There was a lot of bad generated noise that accompained the 13 tone frequencies that made it very difficult to discern any kind of voice.

On the night in question I obtained a two-way conversation with Seth, it was very exciting and at the same time mind bending, to say the lest.  I still have the information and tapes of the 13 tones with details about technical information and schematics to build the spiricom.  If you are intereated Bruce I can send both a copy of the 13 tone tape and info to you, in case you think it might be of some help.

At present I am involved in experiemnting with EVP with a group of friends, Gordon is also in the group.  One of the group members is the well know British Physical Medium Rita Goold, who has materialized as many as ten spirit forms at once and been the subject of research by different scientists.  Rits is now advanced in her age and so dose not sit fpr physical phenomena any more, but devotes much of her time to EVP research.  We have received some outstanding EVP voices, but as with any experiment of this type the quality varies from time to time.

I intend to do more spiricom experimets at a later date but I don't expect to gain any futher improvment on the quality of the voice.

If I can help with futher information then I will leave my email which is [email protected] so that you have the obtion of my email address or the ITC-Bridge to reach me.

Best wishes

David UK

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 Posted: Dec 13th, 2007 10:48 PM
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Very interesting article in a recent "Haunted Times" magazine re: Spiricomm.  It seems Dr. Mueller might still have been alive at the time of the supposed recordings.

Lots of questions remain re: the veracity of controls utilized in SPiricomm.

It is fascinating to ponder whether or not Spiricomm was "real." There are many un-answered questions and one's very much worth researching.

John D

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 Posted: Dec 13th, 2007 10:50 PM
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Just received my "mini Box" and am beginning experiments. WIll report back and post any samples of interest.


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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 06:21 AM
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Hi John D

Certainly interesting info about Dr Muller might still be alive, and as you mention some research is needed to find out the facts.  The one thing I can guarantee is that my own spiricom experiment is genuine.  I even contacted Sarah Estep when alive and to inform her of the spiricom experiment,  she wrote back saying that there was no way I could have gained any voice via a spiricom device because Dr Muller stated that no one would be able to replicate what Bill O'Neil had acheived.  I wrote back to Serah and informed her that my owm spiricom experiment of Seth's voice contradicted Dr Muller's statment and that my recorded tape of Seth's voice endorsed my claim.  Serah never replied back to my second letter to her, and I later learned that she had completely dismissed my claim.

David UK

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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 07:07 AM
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John, I have just found this link to infomation about Dr Jefferies Mueller where a certain Guy Jackson claims to have a copy of Dr J Mueller's death certificate, having said that another person thinks there are two Mueller's but with different middle names, the other Dr Mueller is supposed   to still be alive and works at NASA.  If this is indeed the case then I wonder if the second Dr E Mueller has been mistaken for Dr J Mueller linked to the spiricom expeiments and hence the claim he is still alive.  Only further investigation will reveal this.
David UK

[size=From Ghostly Talk Radio] [size=]     Hello, Avid.I hope Doug and By yzzzguy on June 26, 2007 - 10:54pm

Hello, Avid.
I hope Doug and ScottL don't mind me stepping in on this thread. They interviewed me on the show on June 3. I've done a fair amount of original research on Spiricom and that's what our segment was about.
In particular - I'd like to know what you're referring to in your message: "Also, when you were saying they claimed they had a photo of Dr. Muller (sic), I think you may have meant death certificate. Which would be very interesting if that surfaced."
1. Who is the "they" you're talking about?
2. There are actually several photos of Dr. George Jeffries Mueller but most people have only seen 1.
3. I DO have his death certificate and said so on the June 3 show! I've had an officially-stamped copy of it for well over a year now. I redacted certain personal portions of a copy of it and sent it in the mail to Doug and ScottL which they received before that show. He was a real person (I've visited his grave site) and did NOT work for NASA (never did). He is NOT the same person as Dr. George EDWIN Mueller who was the former assistant administrator of NASA and considered the "father of Skylab" and the "father of the Space Shuttle". The latter Dr. Mueller is still alive to my knowledge (he actually gave a talk to a conference on returning to the moon back in 2005, I believe).
Hope that helps.
Guy Jackson
Audio Data Coordinator/Team Lead - Paranormal Research Investigations, Anaheim, CA
Member AAEVP
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Paranormal Research (coming soon)
BSEE, 1980, University of Illinois at Champaign

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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 07:29 AM
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Keith Clark

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Thank you for the information, I'm sure many people will find it useful. I have read the claims of mistaken or forged personality and felt that this individual does not have enough evidence to prove their case. Comparing pictures of an older man with a bald head and horn-rimmes glasses of the same period is not sufficient enough to claim that two people are actually one. The covering of the middle initial also seems very strange to me.  Um, why would NASA have a need to hide someone's middle initial? What if that was done by the same person trying to discredit George Mueller. Has anyone thought of that???  In addition, I find the comparison of facial features... well, laughable.

I am open to the truth, but do not feel that there is any merit to this claim. In addition, I can voice agreement with David's comment that Spiricom is possible - and that it will again be possible. There are many people trying it - with mixed results. Most of them do not share their results because they are not of good quality. I must say, however, that my work with radio has shown me that it IS possible and WILL happen again. Spiricom will not always remain as a solitary event.

After reading The Ghost of 29 Megacycles by John G. Fuller I suddenly became aware of something that should have been obvious to me. William O'Neil is described as someone possessing the gift of physical mediumship, in addition he had the ability to talk, see, and work with Dr. Mueller and Dr. "Nic". The single most surprising revelation to me in the book was that the reason Dr. Meek and O'Neil met is because O'Neil had experienced things closely resembling physical mediumship.

I think that Spiricom will be duplicated when either:

A. A person naturally gifted with extraordinary mediumistic skills decides to work with radio for the pure intent of communication with spirit.


B. A person begins work with ITC and develops their mediumistic skills through ITC over a long period of time as they work with a team of people in spirit. Their work may be augmented and supported by communication with spirit in a variety of means - could be anything from psychic readings to physical mediumship to direct radio voice.



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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 07:40 AM
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Moved to the appropriate forum,  Thanks Keith

Last edited on Dec 14th, 2007 09:01 AM by Bruce

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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 07:54 AM
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Keith Clark

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Bruce, "Notemanz", and David..........please post all discussion related to the Spiricom personality debate in this thread.



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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 08:55 AM
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DavidR wrote: There is a picture of the spiricom device in the EVP section on Keith's web sight.  The recored 13 tones  were done on a computer by a psychic researcher friend Gordon, and then copied onto cassette tape.
I intend to do more spiricom experimets at a later date but I don't expect to gain any futher improvment on the quality of the voice.


I looked for the picture of the Spiricom device "in the EVP section on Keith's website" but haven't found it yet.  If you have a chance to locate it perhaps you can post a direct link.

When I listened to your files it sounded like the 13 frequencies you used were the standard ones listed in the literature.  Were they (in hertz):  131-141-151-241-272-282-292-302-415-443-515-653-701 ?   If not, what were they?

One of the things I tried to do when I first took an interest in Spiricom was to try duplicate the sound of those tones, as they could be heard when listening to some of the available O'Neil recordings.  But using those standard frequencies I couldn't get the same sound.

I downloaded all the recordings I could find and started doing some analysis of the what frequencies were being used to create those tones.  (Maybe this is Old News to others on this forum, if so, what can I say, I'm a Newbie here.)  The frequencies used were not the ones on the 13 frequency list in the documentation. 

I have attached a file with a different set of 13 tones that does replicate the sound of the tones used during one of O'Neil's recordings.  I created this file using NCH Tone Generator freeware by just plugging in the desired waveform and the frequencies (in hertz):   420,525 630, 735, 840, 945, 1050, 1155, 1260, 1365, 1470, 1575 and 1680.  There are about five seconds of two different waveforms using these frequencies, first are Triangle waveforms, then two seconds of silence, the Sine waveforms. They sound identical but if you run an frequency analysis on them separately you will see that the Triangle waveform gives a much richer, high frequency harmonic content.  I would expect this waveform to give better Spiricom results.

 Actually, this specific set of frequencies comes courtesy of some skeptics from an analysis they did as part of their "proof" that Spiricom is a hoax.  There is actually some useful on their page at   Check out that link for information about which O'Neil recording their frequency analysis was done on. 

For my part I think this set of frequencies differing from the "standard list" from the Spiricom Report just shows that O'Neil was experimenting and refining the device in the natural course of its development.

When you said, "I intend to do more spiricom experimets at a later date but I don't expect to gain any futher improvment on the quality of the voice."

If you listen to some of the very early O'Neil recordings you will notice that the voice quality gets better in later recordings.  I thought it might be worthwhile to point out the above and suggest that when you do experiments in the future you might try a different set of 13 tones.  A simple way to do that nowadays is to create the desired set if tones with something like the NCH Tone Generator as a one hour long file.  Save as an MP3 or Wav file and either load it onto an MP3 player or burn it to a CD.  Then just pipe the output of your player into the RF generator's input.

We, David, please let me know the list of 13 tones you used and the waveform if you know it.


Attachment: 13 Tones -Tri - Sine.mp3 (Downloaded 1791 times)

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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 10:21 AM
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Very interesting David!  Let's all share any info we can glean on the original experiments for sure.

One thing that leads me to question the original experiments is  that there was a report that Bill O'Neill refused to let himself be photographed from the front when the device was in operation mode. This is problematic of course because the potential for fraud would be much higher.

Another article postulates that if one wanted to "dupe" Mr. Meek, one would simply have to have a friend across the street with an FM wireless system in operation.

I only mention this because of the unfortunate fact that this system has not been able to be duplicated terribly successfully YET....  That's why we must all strive to duplicate other researchers work.

As mentioned, I just received Mini box #112 and have started experiments. After four limited session. I believe I have received some initial relevant responses to questions. I believe it is a process, and I'll post when there are tangible and duplicate-able results.

Great thread by the way!
John D

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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 10:29 AM
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Fabulous thread and work! I agree...  I also duplicated the tone set and it was much different that the available Spiricomm tone signatures.

I'll download your blend and experiment with them.

Question: Do we know the employment terms betweem O'Neill and Meek?

In other words what was the "deal"?

Finally, if the work was to be duplicated why wouldn't the sequnce of tone generation be more accurate?

John D

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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 06:59 PM
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Keith Clark

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I would like to make a comment on the link above referencing the spectrum analysis on the "gobeyondnow" website.

Yes, I agree that it is clearly obvious that the tones found in the recorded conversations of Spiricom are not the frequencies given in Meek's book. I have known this for awhile. In fact, during the clip I refer to as "Mary had a little lamb", the frequencies actually are:

194, 288, 384, 483, 578, 675, 770, 862, 962, 1056, 1156, 1252, 1350, 1439, 1538, 1630.

HOWEVER, it is obvious that the reason for use of the tones is completely misunderstood by the public. Tones WERE NOT necessary for spirit to come through radio, they only allowed the speech that did come through to be intelligible. For the longest time I was also under the same impression. There is nothing ultimately special about the proposed frequencies laid out in Dr. Meek's work as given to him by Doc Nick, meaning that Spiricom communication did not rely solely upon a specific set of frequencies.

The set of frequencies was a guideline for how human speech could be imitated using tones.  It was a very clever analysis and adaptation of musical notes and scales applied to synthesis of speech. It must be first understood that the tones were used to further modify something which had already been partially accomplished - to refine an existing signal to allow for further intelligibility.



Showing that tones in recorded Spiricom material are not the same as laid out in George Meek's work doesn't really accomplish anything, let alone lend any evidence toward discrediting Spiricom. So what?
We also know that O'Neil had to adjust and tune the frequencies all the time. Well, if he had to adjust them all the time it is clearly obvious that they could not be the same frequencies laid out in Meek's book, isn't it? Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.

I don't have any knowledge regarding Hale's discussion of sibilance and pops, so I won't comment on that.

Personally, I find no point in trying to either credit or disprove Spiricom. People seem to limit themselves to only what others think is possible. It will happen again.



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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 05:43 AM
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Jeff, your reference to Bill O’Neil being mediumistic and which contributed to Bill being able to make contact with Doc Nick and Dr Mueller is interesting.  I have held the same belief for many years.  I have been mediumistic since from the age of five.  I have during this time witnessed fourteen materialization’s, twelve on my own and two while in the company of others.  I have spirit voice in my right ear 24/7 but unfortunately sad to say the voices are muffled, but on rare occasions have demonstrated evidence.  I have had household objects move, levitate, disappear, as well as many other psychic and mediumistic experiences.  This is not to say that my mediumship contributed to the spiritcom contact, but that it is certainly interesting there is the possibility that such might have been the case.

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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 06:07 AM
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"use of the tones is completely misunderstood by the public"

Yes, the function of the tones should be obvious to anyone who has read about the beginnings of the Spiricom project.  One of the key realizations Meeks made came from his investigations of the use of white noise in early EVP.  He rightly concluded that white noise was very inefficient at coupling to human voice frequencies.  And, that what was needed was a set of frequencies that were more focused in the human voice range. 

The beauty of the 13 tone approach from Dr. Nic is the harmonic structure that allows voice sound characteristics, like sibilance sounds, to also couple efficiently.  Much of the intelligibility of human voice sounds comes from these higher frequencies.

In my own development work I have taken this 13 frequency, harmonic structure down another avenue, a side street perhaps, but that is what basic research is about.   In my view the human energy field is very likely a useful component in the transducer of the system.  Something in the system must convert nonphysical "energies" into physical energies that we can work with.  In the Spiricom device the energy field between the transmitting and receiving attennas evidently performs this transducer function.  But the "gifted psychic" operator issue to my mind points to the human energy field as somehow interacting with that antenna energy field transducer.  In the Spiricom Report there was discussion about future prototypes attempting to eliminate the influence of the human energy field as a way of eliminating the gifted psychic issue.  It is worth noting, in my view, that the Spiricom Report indicates that none of the later prototypes incorporating this approach ever worked.  Perhaps instead of trying to eliminate the human energy field influence we should try to understand more about the nature of that field, its influence ,and use that knowledge to our advantage. 

The following should be considered just a working theory in progress:

Now back to my "side street" for 13 tones.  Conceptually, if we are attempting to communicate with nonphysical human "energies" we need a component within our communication system that efficiently couples to those energy's signals.  A handy transducer for these energies is the physical body and energy field of a physically living human.

From the work of psychics we know that these nonphysical energies can be tranduced from the nonphysical realm to the physical.  A nonphysical "Spirit" speaks and the physically living psychic "hears" what is being said.  We can think of it like on some level the Spirit's nonphysical signal is converted to electrical signals within the psychic's brain.  Those minute voltages can give rise to the psychic's awareness of what is being said.  Conceptually, if we could look at a realtime 3D map of the psychic's electrical brain activity while "hearing" the spirit we should be able to see the affects of those minute voltages.  If we trace the signal path between the spirit and the psychic's brain we see that this signal has passed through the psychic's energy field (nonphysical) and then into the psychic's body (physical).  The "antenna" in the psychic's communication system is most likely his or her energy field.  If our plan is to utilize this concept in a piece of hardware it would be useful to understand how the nonphysical signal of the spirit "couples" to the psychic's antenna and body.  For me this is where the work of Dr. Valerie Hunt enters the discussion.

In Dr. Hunt's work she pretty conclusively demonstrated through rigorous scientific testing that the nonphusical coupling of human energy fields between two physically living humans occurs via resonance at specific frequencies.  She was able to measure these frequencies and anyone interested in knowing more about how this was done might read her book, Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness.  She also found that specific locations on the human body (corresponding to chakra locations) appeared to resonate at those specific frequencies.  For a quick synopsis of those chakra location - frequency correspendences and those actual frequencies check out Keith Wakelan's work at:

So, where is this side street leading?  To a proposed set of frequencies for use with a Spiricom device that may more efficiently couple with the human energy field.  I would propose experimenting with a set of tones based on Dr Hunt's work.  Her work points to a set of only 9 frequenciess.  There are (in hertz): 200-300-400-500-600-700-800-1000-1400.  However, from the Spiricom side of the street there is benefit to using 13 frequencies to provide the proper harmonic structure.  So I would propose adding the frequencies for that harmonic structure that are missing in Dr Hunt's system, namely, 900, 1100, 1200 and 1300 hertz.  I find it interesting that by adding these "missing" harmonics, we are back to 13 frequencies.

So this side street leads to proposing that we use a set of 13 frequencies that could provide improved, resonant coupling to the human energy field AND the harmonic structure Spiricom appears to need for human voice frequency coupling.  That set of frequencies would be:  200-300-400-500-600-700-800-900-1000-1100-1200-1300-1400 hertz.  (I note that these are very, very close to the "Mary had a little lamb" frequencies that you, Keith, found.)  I have attached a small MP3 file with these frequencies for your listening pleasure and analysis.  The first set is about 5 seconds of triangle waveform, about 2 seconds of silence, then about 5 seconds of sine waveform.  These can be used for frequency analysis software to compare the harmonic content of the two waveforms.  My preference would be to experiment with the triangle waveform for its richer, high frequency harmonic content.

Well, I hope someone here finds this long, sometimes rambling monologue useful.  Anyone out there got a Spiricom type device to experiment with?


PS:  I would sure like to get some input from the psychics on Jeff's team regarding the above.

Attachment: Hunt 13 Tri - Sine.mp3 (Downloaded 1992 times)

Last edited on Dec 15th, 2007 06:43 AM by Bruce

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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 07:30 AM
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Bruce I had the same problem finding the pictures, so I have uploaded fresh pictures.  Hope you find them easy enough.  They can be located in the forum section (Spiricom experiment Voice 1 and 2)


Attached Image (viewed 6252 times):

Spiricom picture.jpg

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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 07:37 AM
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Second picture of spiricom close up.  The pyramid shape device was the one I used to obtaine Seth's voice.  I did't have much luck with the black spiricom device, which was a shame as I was able to modulate the tone frequency with the dials so I stuck to the tried and tested version of the pyramid design


Attached Image (viewed 5492 times):

Spiricom picture 2.jpg

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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 07:42 AM
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Keith Clark

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Hi Bruce,

I found your post very interesting, and it makes a whole lot of sense. Though I have heard much talk that the medium is what made Spiricom possible - I had not yet heard anyone speculate as to what that actually means. I think your ideas are very keen and was glad to become aware of them.

I have a "constantly running" Spiricom setup currently. NCH tone generator on a laptop output to a 2.4ghz transmitter and receiver, then into a stereo. Out of the stereo one channel goes to a speaker, the other one goes to a signal generator which transmits at about 88MHZ to another radio. There are two links in the chain, assuming that the spirit influence would take place between the transmitted and received signals. I have not noticed any influence by spirit running the setup in this particular way. So far, I have had more success in everything except my Spiricom attempts. I will still always try.

There are things I want to change, but I cannot do so until I acquire another mixer.

Now that I think of it, I may have been overlooking something. If the human energy system is a major contributor which allows Spiricom communication to take place, and if this energy is necessary in the immediate vicinity of the equipment, then I have not worked in this way at all. I monitor my equipment from my house, approx 40-50 feet away. This is something I may take note of.


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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 09:50 AM
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Bruce, many thanks for the time and effort with the 13 tone frequency that you have uploaded.  I have made a copy of the tone's to CD (70 mins running time) and will attempt spiricom experiment using the CD.  I don't expect results for sometime as it takes a while to make contact.  The Seth voice took three months to achieve.

David UK

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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 09:54 AM
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DavidR wrote: Jeff, your reference to Bill O’Neil being mediumistic and which contributed to Bill being able to make contact with Doc Nick and Dr Mueller is interesting.  I have held the same belief for many years.  I have been mediumistic since from the age of five.  I have during this time witnessed fourteen materialization’s, twelve on my own and two while in the company of others.  I have spirit voice in my right ear 24/7 but unfortunately sad to say the voices are muffled, but on rare occasions have demonstrated evidence.  I have had household objects move, levitate, disappear, as well as many other psychic and mediumistic experiences.  This is not to say that my mediumship contributed to the spiritcom contact, but that it is certainly interesting there is the possibility that such might have been the case.

Thank you David.  Actually, I was simply quoting the observance of the Metascience Foundation themselves.  They made that point, and I surmise that when a non-mediumistic person was not present, success was limited, if at all.  When all is said and done, Spiricom Mark 'X' is only an electronic device, without any 'magical' power at all.  That's why when I introduced the Mark VI project, I was, and still am suspicious of the need for a mediumistic person to be present during operation.  Until 2-way communication can be held solid, and with expectations without such a person present, then that theory will go away.  For now, I believe such a person will be necessary, especially during setup, tuning, power varying, etc.

There is one thing though:  Once communication is solid, perhaps a door will be opened permanently, or semi-permanently for continuous communication regardless of who is present, as long as Spiricom is viewed as a very serious communication device with another world, and not a toy walkie talkie.  If contact is being attempted by a cynical person, I don't believe they will receive anything; maybe a good scolding from the other side.  With the system resonating at frequencies above the lowest planes (and I am only quoting research here, as I already admit I am very limited in etheral knowledge), I don't believe a cynic would receive any dangerous or threatening response, but just the silence they deserve.  Just a guess, but that's the way I respond to rude comments.

David, since you have had these gifts most of your life, I hope you don't mind if I ask many questions to help with design-build.


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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 12:07 PM
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Notemanz wrote: Very interesting David!  Let's all share any info we can glean on the original experiments for sure.

One thing that leads me to question the original experiments is  that there was a report that Bill O'Neill refused to let himself be photographed from the front when the device was in operation mode. This is problematic of course because the potential for fraud would be much higher.

Another article postulates that if one wanted to "dupe" Mr. Meek, one would simply have to have a friend across the street with an FM wireless system in operation.

I only mention this because of the unfortunate fact that this system has not been able to be duplicated terribly successfully YET....  That's why we must all strive to duplicate other researchers work.

As mentioned, I just received Mini box #112 and have started experiments. After four limited session. I believe I have received some initial relevant responses to questions. I believe it is a process, and I'll post when there are tangible and duplicate-able results.

Great thread by the way!
John D

Hello John,  I see you too have read that article on 'duping' Mr. Meek.  This poster of that article is obviously uneducated in electrical physics.  He does not consider the RF energy being contained in a Faraday enclosure, which it was.  A Faraday enclosure will not allow electromagnetic energy inside itself; nor allow electromagnetic energy generated inside itself outside.  The alleged person with a radio across the street would have no effect on the device.  Also, there was no microphone input from Mr. O'Niel to the RF generator; so a person with a radio tuned to the proper frequency would never be able to hear what was going on in the house across the street!  The microphone in front of Mr. O'Niel was mixed to the tape recorder only.

Actually, one of the tests built-in to Mark VI is a RF amplifier and antenna placed outside the Faraday enclosure.  In this test mode, the transmitting antenna inside the cage is disabled, and the exterior antenna is enabled.  Modulated RF is sent to the exterior antenna at the test frequency (in this case I'm starting at 29.575 MHz RF, modulated with 400 Hz audio tone).  The radio receiver is tuned to that frequency to detect any modulation.  If any leakage occurs, the modulated tone will be heard from the system monitors.

As you know, this is to prove to the debunkers that the system will not respond to random radio broadcast, of any frequency.  Especially dudes with radios nearby but out of site.

I hope this clarifies, and supports your suspicions of that original poster.


Last edited on Dec 15th, 2007 01:34 PM by Jeff

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 Posted: Dec 15th, 2007 10:23 PM
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Very informative Jeff thanks for the background info. Of the schematics I've been able to find (and they are limited) I wasn't aware of the Farday cage evident in use. I must study further. 

I concur with your opinion re: mediumistic abilities as a pre-requisite for success with Spiricom type devices. I share your opinion and will take the statement a bit further.

The goal on my end is to work for the establishment of 2-way communication via device only.  To me, it is hopeful that in the future everyone, no matter their inate psyche abilities can use the "device". 

My hope is that such a device be made available to everyone and that 2-way across the veil communication becomes as common as a long distance phone call.

I am well versed in the harmonic series and see the logic in Meek's approach. If the "tones" don't match why put them in print? One must look at the totality of the contentions and we must draw conclusions based on what has been laid out by Meek.

I find it a bit odd that Meek lays out the harmonic series without more explanation. I too have combined the tones and worked with them and I also concluded that the blend was NOT the same as evidenced in the recordings of SPiricomm.

To be frank, Mueller has a distinct "vocorder" sound.

I do have a lot of experience with Sibilance and "pops" created while recording the human voice. This is well worth examining!

If these "pops" and the like are evident, it may call into question the deal...

Finally, I would concur that resonance is a key component.

Great discussion!
John D

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 Posted: Dec 16th, 2007 09:22 AM
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Jeff, no problems at all asking questions about my mediumship and spiricom.  Perhaps you might be interested in a reply to Keith's forum section (The debate and claims over personality fraud) where I have posted a reply detailing a different experience with the spiricom.


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 Posted: Dec 16th, 2007 10:12 AM
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DavidR wrote: Jeff, no problems at all asking questions about my mediumship and spiricom.  Perhaps you might be interested in a reply to Keith's forum section (The debate and claims over personality fraud) where I have posted a reply detailing a different experience with the spiricom.


I just read it David.  What a great experience!  Did you happen to record that event?


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 Posted: Dec 16th, 2007 12:37 PM
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Unfortunately Jeff at the time of the Seth contact I was unemployed and finances did not allow the luxury of being able to buy equipment.  I was stuck with an old radio/cassette player where the internal mic had packed up.  The situation today has not change to much because I am on state benefit.  I mention these personal details so other’s will realize that not all people have the circumstances to go and buy up to date equipment and have to make to with what is available.  When I recorded Seth’s voice I had loaned a friend’s cassette recorder for a few days.  I now have a very old fashion tape recorder that will allow me to record with an external mic while at the same time trying to achieve spiricom contact.  By the way in case you might be interested I have posted a link to Youtube Video in the Direct Radio Voice experimental showing Adolf Homes making radio contact with  Kconstantine Rautive.

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