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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Keith Clark
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 Posted: Jan 1st, 2007 11:41 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Welcome to ITCBridge!

This forum was created on January 1st, 2007 for the discussion and education of all topics related to life after death.  This website was originally designed to share ITC results with the world, but as time progressed the need grew to expand the informational topics to include other important areas of evidence.

The purpose of this website is to discuss and research evidence of survival after physical death;consequently, we are here to learn, educate, and work together as a team. The end result will be a stronger global connection with those on the other side of the veil and changes for the better in our world today.

The rules are very simple:

    No profanity.

    All rules of common courtesy and etiquette apply.

    Experiment results will not be edited by an individual other than the person who received the results, unless requested by the person who recorded them.

    Difference of opinion. There is room on this forum for healthy discourse as long as all the common rules of courtesy and professionalism are applied. The forum is not a place for argument and turmoil.

    Illegal posting of unauthorized works of other people is prohibited. If referring to information on the internet, please post links to the original source and credit the source if permission has been obtained.

    Advertising the sale of products or spamming  is not wanted here. If the need arises for a "for sale/wanted" thread, one will be created. Until then, we do not want to see advertising of products. Also, business transactions and buying and selling of goods on the forum is not allowed.

    If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

    Attacks of personal character (living or dead) will not be tolerated, regardless of the reason or whether it seems justifiable.

    Our Stand: ITC Bridge will condone healthy disagreement and discourse UP TO the point of drawing negative energy to the forum. This forum is searchable by internet search engines, and the last thing we desire is to have people all over the globe visiting to join in on a debate.
    This website, and all the ongoing work of ITC Bridge, is treated similar to a physical mediumship circle. When the balance of negative vs. positive leans in the wrong direction, certain measures will be taken to nurture and protect our work. In short, if a thread becomes more negative than positive, warnings will first be given and then the thread closed for posting. In certain cases it will simply be deleted.

    This forum is part of a large effort to create a bridge of communication with spirit. We work with the attitude of:  "Cooperation First, Evidence Second." By joining the forum, you agree to join us in this aim, and agree to begin looking at things in a new light, and agree to work together - come what may.

Skeptics: This website is open to the public for the simply to reach the masses. The subject of life after death is NOT up for debate on this website. This website is predicated on the idea that life after death has already been proven through much objective evidence presented over the past 100 years.

Personal attacks of credibility and character will not be tolerated. If this is your motive, email the administrator and we will refer you to the appropriate venue where you will have the opportunity to "debunk" life after death.

As of January 1st, 2007, the maximum filesize for attachments is 1MB. This may be adjusted to suit the board's needs in the future.

You may edit your posts up to 48 hours after you originally posted them.

Every couple of months users will be pruned if they have never made a post. This means that if you register an account and never make a post - your account will eventually be deleted. There is no purpose for having an account other than posting, as all of the board material is available for anyone to read on the web. This is to counteract spammers.

I encourage members to suggest any additional ideas which will help make this forum more harmonious or productive. 

Enjoy the forum!!

Keith Clark


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