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AM noise generator  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Aug 20th, 2015 07:38 PM
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Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
Posts: 85
I just came across this circuit while investigation the theory of UFO detectors. (Yes such things exist, but put aside UFOs as being alien craft please.)

The circuit generates a white-ish noise signal that can be received on any normal medium-wave/AM radio. I have not tested it, but it's a conventional RF noise generator (used for various RF test purposes) with an extra stage that amplifies and radiates the noise via Q4 and L1. It contains no weird components. If the specified transistors are not easily available where you are, substitute with general purpose NPN silicon transistors - which is all the BC548 is.

I know some EVP experimenters use the 'radio method' to generate background noise, or to record directly from the radio. Well this should drown out any possible conventional radio signals, especially if you tune to a quite spot on the dial before it's switched on.

Since it also generates signals in the audio range, then a direct input to the recorder's mic socket could probably be taken from the junction of C2/R5 and ground.

If anyone makes it, perhaps you could let the forum know how you got on - it surely needs some really positive, convincing evidence.



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