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Progress report on the "Stefan Project"  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Sep 24th, 2014 12:30 PM
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Joined: Sep 24th, 2014
Posts: 2
I use since July '14 the audio stream of Stefan's page directly by 80kb quality. My equipment consists a standard Windows PC (Windows 7), a speaker sound system (Labtec), a Micro Device(ZOOM) and the Open-Source-Software Audacity
Audacity I use to receive, analyse, filtering and archiving the sound files. But also I did successful recordings by using a normal laptop with integrated Micro, a external speaker and audacity software too. The sessions were performed on all day and night times.

My first recordings were only short sequences to test the level of micro and speakers. So I did not pursue questions, but kept the shots in my archive. Then I started the first recording with specific questions.
The questions were confirmation questions. So questions of deceased which could only know this. The procedure was the usual practice: a short welcome and introduction speech, then I asked the questions point for point and left space between the questions of approximate 20 sec.
After the first recording it was nothing to listen in any kind for EVP's instructions. Days later I repeated listening and focused on the sections in the sound file, which had striking structures. That is to say, against the background signal of the stream significantly different waveforms were recognizable.
Some sections after questions was particularly clear structured, similar to spoken syllables. I thought I heard first sentence: "I am delighted....Karl"

But unfortunately the answers have little vowels. That is to say, it is like speaking from the throat. I intensified the interception and soon realized that everything was full of answers! Well, I am known to be very skeptical and wanted to have evidence. I asked short, but very individual question to my father and a very close friend of mine. If I get response, this had undoubtedly come from the aforementioned.

And so it was: it was concrete and properly formulated answers back to me. Here in part two examples:

It is in ballooning custom, that you will be baptized on his first flight with a nickname. Question had been given to my father, which he baptismal name in his first balloon ride? The answer was:
"Karl Edler von St. Lorenz" which means approximately in english "Charles nobly of St. Lawrence".
Following this reply came something else:
"How many questions do you need more for confirmation, Karl?" :)

my friend had a sailboat that is still owned by his family. I asked the question on which lake the ship is at anchor? The answer was not only the name of the lake, beyond that came in the same answer the exact "town" and additionally the correkt "yacht harbor"!

My concern here is not to have to verify the votes. There are clear indications that it works for me. Meanwhile, I have received a lot of useful answers to many common questions. One of them was also "How to improve the voices in quality?" The answer was short and quick: "Yes, can." Numerous questioning took place thereafter from me on this. The path to improved communication seems to lie in the change of the stream or a special short wave.

My experiments with filters and other effects in audacity to get an improvement of votes sequence were unsuccessful. Except for a bit of gain and normalization in playback nothing could be achieved. My hope is now here to meet people who have perhaps achieved by other means already at Sound Files improvements. The only thing that was striking about my attempts by streching the audio files is a significant change to a "lovely music". I can not express properly in english, I'will have in German already a problem :)

To clarify:
if I slow a response sequence, then there is probably a "good swinging" music. That helps in the course now no more, but remains enigmatic. I add such a file sequence in the Attachment as an example. Here is the download Link for the Soundfile which ist streched by audacity (effects it's called: Paulstretch):

I hope I could express myself reasonable understandable and look forward to your feedback.

Best regards from Germany,

PS.: special thanks to Stefan for his highly dedicated work and wish him all the power to stay tuned! Thank's Stefan!

Last edited on Sep 25th, 2014 07:35 AM by kaba

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