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 Moderated by: Keith Clark, ArizonaEvp
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Reflection Photography video tutorial by Keith Clark  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Jan 6th, 2007 09:50 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637

I am proud to present the first video tutorial for reflection photography. These videos will explain how to experiment with ITC and receive images from spirit using water, mirrors, and light.

ADDED MAR 6, 2007 - Reflection photography is a term I use to describe receiving images from mirrors and water. To date, I have never taken the time to explain what this process is, or how it works. I hope this video will give some explanation until I take the time to give more information.

Currently, these clips are only available as download rather than streaming video. If I get the time, I will make them flash accessible.

If you don't want your browser to play these files, please right-click and choose "save as" 

Part 1:  The equipment used in reflection photography experiments.

     Video Part 1    .mp4 file   6.6mb

Part 2:  The setup of the equipment.

     Video Part 2    .mp4 file   8.6mb

Part 3:  The camera view.

     Video Part 3    .mp4 file   4.6mb

Part 4:  Recording your reflection photography video.

     Video Part 4    .mp4 file   15.1mb


Soon to follow: How to find the images in your reflection photography recording.

Keith Clark
ITC Bridge

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 Posted: Mar 16th, 2008 02:49 PM
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Joined: Mar 15th, 2008
Posts: 55
Hi Keith,

thanks for making these videos. Do you think it will work with a webcam as well?


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 Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 06:48 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
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Hi Stefan,

Yes, the results may be interesting. Water was something relatively fresh and new when I began working with it - I guess light is the most important element. To be honest, it was painstaking work.

I've been doing a little bit of work with a webcam lately. What interests me the most is how they are able to influence pixels in digital video - regardless of how it was recorded. Only problem is that quality is usually sacrificed by using a webcam.

I think much more work could, and probably will be done in the area of the use of webcams.


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 Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 12:53 PM
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Hi Keith,

I think water is generally an interesting "medium" for EVP/ITC. In our EVP group in Cologne we would use an array of piezo speakers as a microphone to record the sound of lapping water, produced by a fontain pump inside of a large metal pot. The voices sounded very special, often like a talking budgie.

Regarding video, I don't think that the pixels are influenced directly; I believe it's the surface of the water that is being incluenced or "modulated" somehow. But of course, this is only a theory...

Well, perhaps I'm going to do some nice experiments with my webcam next (Easter) weekend...


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 Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 02:04 PM
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A few years back I tried water running in a bathroom and recorded it to a cassette. That method leaves a tape full of a good clean source of white noise for other experiments, even if the listen back doesn't give an EVP. Good for relaxing to at night as well :)

We've currently got our house up for sale, but not because it has a history of haunting activity.
If we were to stay, we'd run water over our mirrors that are shown online. Mind you, I said that about feedback ITC for the TV and that's proven to be an awesome experiment the last few days. Results are similar to those with a different TV and different feedback method a couple of years ago.
One of our mirrors has a proven track record, being donated to us by a family whose own eye sightings and webcam uploads produced a situation where the teenage kids wanted the thing removed from their house.
The running water experiment would also be good for broadcast, casually observing visitors to the site could then both see and hear how it all works and might conduct their own experiments. I know that several people have commented on the trippy psychadelic nature of the ITC TV nowadays lol
Our most major of problems is that we generally have half an hour to ready the house for potential buyers and I rip down the whole setup of 6 cameras plus the feedback gear.

If I work out a way of running the water with the mirrors, in something that can be built/unbuilt in a couple of minutes (quiet pump and maybe between 2 pieces of glass from old scanners?), I might well use some of your techniques and put the setup online. We don't use webcams for 4 cams, which I find has given clearer images and less flack from the pixel brigade. The Exxis CCTV systems cameras go to a TV capture card instead. Worth looking at this some more.
Thanks for the videos :)

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 Posted: Sep 14th, 2014 07:26 PM
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Altho abit off topic - where you mentioned mirrors - scrying is a method and altho used by mediums, things such as crystal balls to which mediums supposedly have access to may present quantifiable energies we can measure.

I was thinking of using crystals, diffraction gratings 'and' stones, etc ... somehow translating or transducing appropriate yet-to-discovered energies for audio/video work.

Mirrors come into play - realize that slo there are what is called 'front surface' mirrors and may be better suited - they are smaller and more expensive and used in laser work.

I will try to check out the videos.

Mr Zeta

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