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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: lance, Keith Clark, ArizonaEvp  

Joined: Jul 25th, 2009
Posts: 483
Given that sensitive hearing is a common trait of autism, recruiting some autists (obviously those not so intellectually impaired) could be a helpful aid in interpretation of EVP messages posted.
Latterly have come to wonder whether my sensitive hearing - together with bright light sensitivity, may in fact be autism related (there's autism in my family) ~ although gratefully have escaped intellectual impairment (well, for the most part).


Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209
Autism encompasses such a broad spectrum of issues, it  may be possible that we may have a trait or two of autism, and perhaps this is why we are able to hear so very well??  Autism runs in our family also, my grandson has Aspergers, PDD-NOS,  but is high functioning.  Sensory problems is a common thread with people who fall under the autism spectrum.  My grandson at a very early age, prediagnosed,when he would spend the weekend with us, upon waking up in the morning, would NOTget out of his bed until one of us  would knock on his door and ask him if he wanted to get up, and then he would. Never, ever did we tell him he couldn't get out of bed, if anything we encouraged him to  get up and come and join us.  It was as if if he whomever was there with him told he couldn't get out of the bed!!  We had a baby monitor in his room, and he would be carrying on these conversations with some one, literally answering questions as if someone was talking to him!  I  had even set up a recorder in his room, and was able to pickup people talking, but also there were times when I would be awoken by someone talking in his room, and would have to go downstairs, and ask 'everyone' to please come down and talk to me, I asked that no one as to go into his room at night while he was sleeping, I did not want him disturbed. He had also all of a sudden became scared to go down to the basement, a place he had always went to play by himself in the past.  He was watchful of the area where the hotwater heater was, when I was with him he stayed right by my side, always looking in that area.  I asked him who is there?  He called them/it 'Blue', and finally one day he told them 'You are not to scare Trenton anymore'.  After that he was able to go down alone again, but still took a peek in the area of the hot water heater to see if anyone was there.  I do believe in my heart that he was conversing with someone in his room, even at times singing songs. I know a lot of people think that this is normal kid behavior, but I know my grandson and his capabilities, so this was out of the ordinary.  Hey, don't we all head for the bathroon when we wake up first thing in the morning?  Well, He wouldn't, he literally would wait until we came to him and then he would get up!  We even tried waiting it out to see if he would just eventually go on his own, but nope!  He stayed put until we came and got him up.

Wel, that's my story, and I am sticking with it!! LOL! :)



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