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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
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or how unfoolish he may have felt.

one thing is for sure, he did experience what he sought.....again, perhaps.



Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209
Anyone who deals with investigating or researching the afterlife must have this thought cross their mind, what it is like at the moment of death.  I think for the most part people would be sadly disappointed, our personalities remain the same, and there is no new revelations. Only now they probably feel confused and don't know what to expect!  Just because we pass, we don't automatically sprout wings and become angels and our new existince is not what we thought it is suppose to be.   We probably seek someone to give us advice as to what we are suppose to expect.  How sad it must feel to not know what we are suppse to do, for example, is there someone waiting for us on the othe side, is there really the concept of going into the light?

I must honestly say I have entertained the thought that it must be better to die, based on what I had heard in the past.  We just don't know, it is a crap shoot!  Look at Houdini, the pact that he made with his wife when he died. Nothing ever came of it.  Because I suffer from a possible terminal illness, I often think which would be better, continue to live, or take the chance it will be better once I pass. I guess it depends on one's frame of mind.

  This is a a very confusing situation to be in,  and it is not because I am depressed I think this way, but I am hesitant because of how often I hear people who have passed asking for help.  It makes me think there are problems you face once you die.  What came first, the chicken or the egg??                                                                                                                                                


Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
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What a coincidence. I've been thinking along the same lines for a year or so.

I have found that at difficult times the thought of free will over the detachment from earthly matters can be very pleasing, relaxing, comforting, whether it would be in the form of cruel suicide or euthanasia.
On the other hand, at times when I feel more secure and have a more hopeful outlook for the future, I feel that dying would be a major mistake and inadvertently I would end up in the lower astral "hell" or at least I would loose the chance to evolve faster.

Funny thing is this idea of "spiritual evolution". When I was digging into esoterical knowledge I tried to be optimistic and believed to be evolving fast, heading towards something big, something absolute. But later on I couldn't preserve anymore this cloud of "positive thinking" and there shone through the same old attitudes and mistakes I was having for many years (the vicious circles).
Maybe this esoterical-spiritual detour is something I need, something that is part of my "process". It influenced my thinking for sure. However I'm having a mental disorder since 16 and recognize most of its symptoms and some are very close to these "spiritual" way of thinking - for instance the ideas of self-reference.

So I don't know. Perhaps we shouldn't have had any religions [belief systems] at all. I heard a guy who researched ancient religions telling that people back then weren't afraid of death. Maybe we're just so much attached to this world that we would punish ourselves if we gave it up.

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