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Out of the mouth of a dear friend  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Feb 24th, 2011 06:11 AM
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Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 407
Was discussing some new clips gleaned from a ghost tour through the Stranahan house in South Florida with a good friend- (I think it's ironic that the spirit folk are talking throughout the tour and am really excited about uploading the results)

My friend got abnormally quiet, stared at the sky for a moment and said, "I believe you are sincere, truthful- I do.  But if I choose to believe that these clips are what you say they are, my whole life will change!!"  To which I responded, "Well, you'd better never witness a recording/analysis session if you truly feel that way."

Hard to wrap my mind around that one...funny, as long as it's considered a pastime or frivolous or, dare I say it, evil- that's acceptable- but assert that this really is Grandma talking on recording- somehow that is unthinkable!

Most philosophies allow for there to be a middle plane...Purgatory, etc.  Why so alien a concept?  Interesting-

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