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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Keith Clark, fratka, ArizonaEvp  

Joined: Oct 1st, 2009
Posts: 4

           I joined this forum today. i am a beginner in this field.I have a small doubt. can we use a FM transmitter to build SPIRICOM? In the actual device they use AM. can any one explain why? can't we use FM? FM offers better signal clarity than AM. and may i know why this particular frequency (29Mhz) is used for SPIRICOM?

 If FM can be used : My idea is to make this device at a very cheaper price. we can build a FM transmitter very easily. we can add a tone generator at the input.we can listen in on a FM receiver, and connect the output of the fm receiver to the computer sound card input for the digital processing of the signal, at the same time we can record(using software). this setup is very cheap and every body can afford it. in this way, anyone can experiment.

here is a simple FM transmitter schematic 

the parts are very can be built from is also available in kit form(12$).

so, gentlemen please tell me whether this idea works or not.


Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637

Welcome to the forum. If you made a post in the section titled "introduce yourself", I am sure you would receive a much more thorough welcome.. :)

Sure, in theory any transmit/receive setup will work. You just need the right person who has developed the ability to be able to provide energy to assist in that transfer of energy into modulated voice over radio.

In my post above, I indicated that from what I've seen - there is much more indication (history) of spirit being able to manipulate AM transmissions rather than FM. Still, one person could and probably will overcome that - but it will be particular to that person - at least, at first. Perhaps that will change once all of us develop ourselves spiritually to a point where we combine our psychic talents together.

As long as people have the desire to try the Spiricom setup, then there is most certainly a need for accessible devices such as what you mention. I say go for it.



Joined: Oct 1st, 2009
Posts: 4
can you please tell me,how can i develop that energy?

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637

I can give you my opinion, but as I am not one of the people who has successfully had conversations with spirit - it doesn't carry as much meaning. We have however, had limited success.

First, a person most likely already has much of this ability naturally - or at least, there are probably people out there through which this task would not be as difficult, but more rare than not.

...But that aside, people that have been successful and shared their methods with us tell us that: they turn on their radios consistently or perform some practice or regular ritual of communication that coincides with their personal state of spiritual development.

in English now ( :) ) ....what I intend to say is if you're interested in working with radio, then do the following (in my humble opinion):

1. have and cultivate a desire to help others or do this work for a good purpose other than material gain

2. work consistently using whatever methods you feel inclined or as impressed upon you by spirit (you will come to know this over time) - the more time put in consistently, then the better the opportunity for people in spirit to characterize your work as interesting to them and decide to invest their effort in working with you. Note: small and consistent steps are better than all out and fizzling later.........

3. accept that personal development is more important than technical prowess. Combine intuition with personal spiritual development and consistency, and I would almost guarantee you - you will be successful to some extent. there are no serious researchers here on the physical plane that work alone - my opinion yet again.

4. pick an area and focus on it. I feel that if a dedicated person turned their radio to an empty frequency, even on Fm (which is harder for them to influence), and they spend even 5 minutes every day focusing on the intention of having spirit come through that radio, then they would eventually have an event where spirit may be able to break through for however short a period of time. It may take years, or a lifetime - but I do believe that even that is possible.

Sorry for the long reply, let me know if you have any more questions.




Joined: Sep 19th, 2009
Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom
Posts: 29
your point about "personal gain " is a very good one Keith , i believe FAR too many researchers in the paranormal field have to seriously QUESTION their personal motives , be these fame , financial , or other motives

and frankly , i believe THIS in part is why there is not much success in research in a lot of cases ( and this applies to the WHOLE gambit of paranormal research ) because the MOTIVE for their interest or work IS not unselfish research , with the eventual reward of being able to help others , but one of "how can i exploit this to make me famous / money out of this ?? " - we see it all soo much on the TV and round the net


right having said that ( which as usual i will be dismissed as some sort of crank for saying - but is something i believe strongly in ) - to the question

there is a difference in the way AM and FM is demodulated , and one of the main reasons we use FM is something called the "capture effect " which means without going into a long winded technical explanation - that the strongest signal picked up by a FM receiver wins through - where as an AM receiver will allow you to also hear any weaker signals on /about THE SAME FREQUENCY - vis we only get the specific station we want - not a jumble of competing stations ( actually you CAN detect FM stations on an AM radio by a technique called "slope detection "

this and other factors is probably why spirit may find it easier to influence AM , however , i am still not totally convinced that this influence IS connected to RF , and believe that there may be some OTHER FORM of energy impinging ,either directly or on the electronics of devices

+ ( and this is important ) that the human presence can act as some sort of "antenna" and that the human voice , modulating the surrounding air , somehow helps facilitate EVP - don't know how , but i have noticed that a lot of EVP slips in to the gaps between people talking ,say during an investigation

any ways just my 10 pence worth as always

good luck with this - BUT REMEMBER ,but again PLEASE do your work with PURE motives - or surely you will not succeed !!


Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 130
Hi Friends,

I haven't successfully gotten a Spiricom setup working, but I have heard voices on the noise received by a VHF AM receiver, noise from a transistor junction reversed biased, noise on the baseline of a voice recorder (EVP). I've also used Bill Chappell's "Talker" voice synthesizer with these noise sources as input and heard amazing messages in response to questions asked in experimental sessions.

I have been unwell and couldn't devote much energy to Spiricom lately. I have a theory based on all those other voice experiences based on noise sources. First, I think that the Spiricom was setup with an amateur AM shortwave receiver tuned to an unused frequency of the near 10 meter amateur band. (This is known here as Direct Radio) The tones were modulated on a very low powered AM transmitter ( an RF oscillator with a modulation input ) and could be heard on the amateur receiver in the unused frequency to which it was tuned. The noise levels and the modulated signals were at nearly the same amplitude levels at the receiver antenna. Any voices in the noise were enhanced by the vocal tones used and made them slightly more audible over the noise.

This old Spiricom method is a crude effort to synthesize stronger levels of the spirit voices in the noise. Modern voice synth chips actually create audible words from the intelligence in the noise source without amplifying the noise itself. I doubt whether this method can be recreated with broadcast FM radio equipment with signals that suppress any noise and only the tone modulation is audible. The Shack Hack radios and Frank's Box depend on the strength of broadcast vocals to be far above atmospheric noise and instead select the vocal segments by randomly tuning various different radio stations to assemble the spirit messages. This works fairly well and has been shown as a better method  than listening to noise directly.

My own spirit radio selects FM vocals by random coincidence and doesn't use atmospheric or instrument noise. However the random nature of atmospheric noise allows AM radio to carry spirit voices. It's not the noise, but the intelligence in the random nature of the noise that is heard as voices by any of the methods.

When I am able to work I plan to develop analog tv to display the intelligence in the random nature of the universe. I won't use the tuner of the TV but the picture tube display and a video signal derived from a noise source that is stronger than usual atmospheric noise picked up on a tv tuner. I hope to interview ghosts face to face with real time spirit video. A voice channel should alow conversation like the Joe's Box or Frank's Box.

more later,  Joe


Joined: Oct 1st, 2009
Posts: 4
It seems that, we can use electrically activated quartz crystal utilizing ultraviolet light as a supplemental energy. has anybody tried it. is there any other method to this? please help.


Joined: Oct 25th, 2009
Location: Ishim, Russia
Posts: 23
Good day to you friends! See shema Spiricom with FM TRANSMITTER

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