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 Moderated by: Vicki Talbott, Keith Clark, fratka, EVPDave, ArizonaEvp  
Vicki Talbott

Joined: Jan 20th, 2007
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 687
I used a very fast radio sweep to get Braden and friends talking.  I could hear their answers live at times.  I heard him say his name, so I asked how old he would be right now for confirmation (like that gives me any...).  Anyway, I hear a female say "27" followed by me asking the question, followed by what sounds rather like Braden saying "27," which is exactly how old he would be (28 in September).  Let me know what you think.  I got some very interesting responses in the minute and a half I was recording.  Vicki

Attachment: 27 how old are you 27.mp3 (Downloaded 852 times)

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Vicki Talbott

Joined: Jan 20th, 2007
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 687
Thanks for listening and commenting.  I can still hear only the 27 but others have heard the 28 too.  Well, he would be in his 28th year.  Maybe he's just trying to act older than he is.:wink:  Vicki

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