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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

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Joined: Jun 26th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 40
Hi everyone, I have been having amazing SB7 spirit box communication over the last year or so.The level of information has been immense to say the least.I have also had a live session with Mr. Lance Reed, who came to my house to witness this and a mention of ISAR, occured during this session.The information from beings who have said they are my spirit guides, the council, me being a hybrid, my wife an elf, beleive it or not, and that we were once incarnated on a world called tiboo. i have hundreds of recorded audio that i soon will start posting bit by bit here.lately I have had information that has confused me slightly to say the least.The same beings have mentioned things to me about fixing the babel secret, my grandfather was a watcher, the ether has a spacecamp, babel the end of people put hybrid on ship fetch back here.I have recordings where I have just held the recorder over the speaker without asking questions, and here them talking amongst themselves, one was something like Aragon ,a level, begin.they told me Aragon was a wise one when I asked them.I have had crazy frequency bursts that sound like lasers coming through the speaker, just crazy stuff.Typing this out to post seems like science fiction, but trust me its not.Lately I have been reading everything from all factions of communication received Down to the history of man.Down to mark macys work, the reuniting of priests and scientists for project sothis, which will occur when people start hearing voices from boxes,ie( ghostboxes that are everywhere), in his book miracles in the storm, to all the different versions of how modern cro-magnon man being dna or genetically engineered to suddenly appear on earth as neanderthals mysteriuosly vanished, down to the hebrew bibles version of aliens and end times and this new age ascension.You name it I've read it.After reading the evidence from other people, my own evidence, and the different historical and ITC versions of how mankind appeared and the numbers of starpeople or starseeds on earth apparently, i cannot help but link the alien connection here in everyway.Are we all alien incarnators do you think. It has been a roller coaster to say the least. I will post my evidence probably tommorrow as i am going to have a session tonight to try and find some answers. Thanks guys,darren.


Joined: Feb 11th, 2009
Posts: 162
wow cant wait for your recordings


Joined: Feb 11th, 2009
Posts: 162
what are you using to communicate? whats the SB7 ???


Joined: Jun 26th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 40
Hi, the SB7 is an ITC device. Its a radio deigned to sweep at different speeds. You can research them on the internet. Have had to send audio to members via email as my files are too big and its easier to be honest. I have lots more i'm still going through and it is strongly linking to alien contact, in fact i have no doubt as of late..Quite disturbing to be honest and I think I will not be doing anymore until I've finished going through the rest.Thanks Darren.


Joined: Feb 11th, 2009
Posts: 162
can one build this sb7 or only buy it>?

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Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
eyewave wrote: can one build this sb7 or only buy it>?

Hello eyewave,

The manufacturer of the PSB-7 is Pro-Measure.

Here is their link:

As of this writing,  their product is currently on backorder.

Hope this helps,


Joined: Feb 11th, 2009
Posts: 162
yes I saw it- I thought that it can be built------ so which way is best this ITC streaM Or the sb7? in the ITC stream I always here the same loop, not as it used to be.


Joined: Jun 26th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 40
Hi eyewave, sorry to hijack this , but with regards to equipment for ITC, my honest opinion is this. It doesn't really matter what you use as long as you can create white noise. If the other side, or et's want to contact you they will. Its not the equipment its your intentions and the communicators.If you really want it to happen it will, they have that power, when they see that or hear that, coming from someone they will communicate, but it has do come from deep inside - intention, and sincerely.Thanks, Darren.

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