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Joined: Aug 22nd, 2013
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whilst looking for something else on you tube - i found this and others - and a thought struck me - we generate random ( mainly terrestial ) noise to envoke EVP - so IF these are real and not synthasised recordings of cosmic noise - and spirits must  be somewhere in this universe ( its a big place .lol ) - maybe we are using the wrong "white noise " - just a thought  and like all things worth a try

Last edited on Nov 30th, 2014 05:11 PM by brett301


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I don't think we're using the wrong type of "white noise". It's been demonstrated in numerous experiments that random events like white noise, generated for example by semiconductors, can be manipulated by just focusing the mind on it (some people can do it better, some less, it seems to be a matter of practice). If people on Erath can do it, people in Spirit can do it, too, I think. In my opinion it's a misbelief to think that the Spirit folks are somewhere "out there" in the universe; they aren't bound to a specific place.

BTW, interesting noise; where does it originate from? I can hear someone/something "howling" in the background; sounds a bit spooky... :)


brett301 wrote:

whilst looking for something else on you tube - i found this and others - and a thought struck me - we generate random ( mainly terrestial ) noise to envoke EVP - so IF these are real and not synthasised recordings of cosmic noise - and spirits must  be somewhere in this universe ( its a big place .lol ) - maybe we are using the wrong "white noise " - just a thought  and like all things worth a try


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as someone once observed   "there ARE no WRONG answers only more questions " - and my point was that this "noise " , which if it IS a true recording is made up of energetic particals that pervade the cosmos - mixed with emissions form stars - planets etc etc - it sound s a lot like the eminiations from jupiter - which can be received on a fairly simple receive set up artoond 20 mhz - and my thought is that this would be an ideal medium for the spirit to latch on to - as i say just an idea

and as someone else said ( eccles actually from the goon show when asked why he was there ??  - you may need to google the goon show as it was a few decades back )  - "well everyone has to be SOMEWHERE "  - which according to quantum psyics if i understand correctly is NOT  strictly true as the "somewhere " can be a point - or everywhere at once and is affected BY the observer - and by the act OF  observing  ( shrodingers cat et al )

 so it is my contention that "spirit " can be anywhere and everywhere at once - OR  in a single location  - also we need to get away with this idea that "spirit " is a "earth " Penominon ONLY  ( propogated by religion and psychics in some cases ) - to deny that there may be millions of "sentiant " beings - each with a "spirit " in the cosmos is sheer arrogance on the part of mankind - and all things have to BE  somewhere - thus intermingled with the "noise " MAY BE evp FROM or effected by the inhabitants of the millions of planets that must have life on them and thus some form of "continuance " as again it would be extreem arrogance to assume that the "afterlife " was only for us humans  - but would any of US recognise the contact of a being from sigma persi 8 for instance ??** - any more that they would probably recognise our departed ??

so we i think need to look at "cosmic " noise as "chatter " it may be deliberate transmissions from planets - - natural noise from nebuli et al - the remains of the "big bang " radiation  ( if you subscribe to that theory ) or indeed the voice  of what /who ever runs the cosmos ( the earthcentic GOD  if you wish ) - whatever - its out there - and its a form of energy the same as "terrestial " static is - thus if thewory is correct CAN be manipulated - so to draw a comparison what we are trying to acheive is a sort of SETI for spirit - and to narrow our thinking to "earth " bound emmisions is maybe not the right approch  - any ways as always JUST  my personal opinion

** futurama fans will get this reference .lol

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

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I get the cosmic noise thing. I feel cosmic noise would have near infinite bandwidth. You can only tune in so much. Once you tune it in and demodulate it, say to audible still get 20hz-20khz.....I think the magic would happen in the demodulating process. No matter how you do it, the data has to be perceivable to the human as anything other than random. I could see the validity of using it as background noise to capture EVPs. I think if you are looking for god frequencies, you're going to need a multidimensional blue print viewer. I get where Stefan is coming from. I think whether you are using a radio telescope with a billion semiconductors,computers demodulating your data, or a simple RF circuit with a diode as a demodulator. The demodulation is still happening locally. Something has to be there, to be there, regardless. I perceive a dimension with timelessness, as equal to distanceless. If time =0, then distance=0. If it doesn't take any time to get from A to B, then A and B are in the same spot. Therefore.... A radio telescope is a super rad tool....but it is not needed to capture cosmic entities.

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

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I hear music in it........I hear the wolf also....its pretty a pretty cool track.....i don't think its the headphone output on a radio telescope.  The high end is filtered out....and its silky smooth.   This has been artistically done.  It also sounds out of phase.  I misunderstood. Are we talking mindset or methodology here?


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you are right - having run this through the mill - it is DEFFO NOT  raw output of cosmic noise - so NOT  what i thought it was - however i suppose it could still be tried ( anything being worth a try ?? ) - i DO wish people would NOT  put stuff on the net that is NOT what is claimed or supposed - most annoying :glare: my apologies folks

as to method or mindset ?? combination of both i suppose - but then i always have gotton myself in to trouble thinking ouside the box - all started when i questioned the existance of god in RE  class aged 9 ( got punished and shamed in front of the whole school for that one and have hated the "official " version of just about anything since then - long story  - " the boy who does not believe in god "" early 60's so different mindset then - "you believe what we tell you to beleive " .......... yea whatever )

any hoo another "thought " crossed my mind ..................... nah forget it - this one is like TOO far outside the box - infact its not even in the factory making them .lol :biggrin:


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The noise in the OP link does not sound like white noise. I am no doubt being unnecessarily pedantic here, but white noise is a random signal with a constant power spectral density - i.e. all frequencies are equally produced. The example has a lot of predominantly low frequencies.

There is also pink, brown/red and grey noise, each with its own spectral properties.

Whatever the source of the original noise (and it could be generated by many electronic devices, not necessarily signals received from space) is does sound 'spooky' if you listen to it for long enough!

I admit to being uncomfortable in using random noise from any source to 'evoke' EVP as it simply leaves the door wide open for auditory pareidolia - something we should be aware of in this field.


Last edited on Dec 2nd, 2014 01:27 PM by Jan

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

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I didn't find it spooky at all.....quite pleasant actually....I left it playing for about 3 hours.....The weirdest part is when I turned it off....much like the effect of staring at a yellow square for along time, them looking at a white wall and seeing a purple square appear, but the audio version I suppose...

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

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Maybe just me.......but remember cool edit pro....the old one had a brainwave syncronizer effect......I kind of felt like something of that nature was being used as an additive.....I think such an additive could induce different mindsets beneficial to ITC work. I would also be curious to know if "white noise" itself naturally emits a similar effect, just as a default of putting into its final output form. I'm fairly certain effect has been applied to ITC work,someone has had to experiment with it......seems I never had much luck, A. I dont know what brainwaves do what, and B. I devoted a short attention span to it. You need to listen to great lengths i believe, for it to work.

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

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Jan, I think audio pareidolia is a fantastic thing...maybe not the best for solid evidence. If you think you can hear "something", your probably going to try to listen to things a little closer. Now if you can record it and other people can hear it, by definition it is no longer pareidolia. Especially if it can be categorized by the listeners as male/female young/old, and if it was an intelligent or relevant response. I am also not generally impressed with super amplified, noise reduction examples. I think how strong the imprint on the recording device is, is important to the validity of the evidence.

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

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From personal experience I need NO evidence concerning anything "paranormal". Living with a text book poltergeist for 16 years will do that to you. It will also make you mad. The problem exist in convincing someone who believes in nothing, that there is something. Even getting certain folks to admit to an unexplained anomaly is a chore. The type of evidence required, must completely break down the logic to the point where it rocks their core beliefs. Even at that point coping mechanisms such as denial will fire up......and the whole thing is fake.

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

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If you are still interested.


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Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz wrote: If you are still interested.

Could be an interesting project, but unfortunately there's no circuit diagram in either article so it's hard to see exactly what's going on.


Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

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Basically (I think) you are adding a power supply to power the LNB. The "channel master" or similar device is measuring RF signal strength, and converting that to DC, to push the VU meter, then pushes a VCO for your audio output. I'm assuming it "sounds" similar to a metal detector. I've seen some detector circuits floating around out there, that look very similar to a single diode crystal radio tuner. I will probably build one of these dudes for NON-ITC purposes here in the new year, just for fun......It shouldn't be too hard getting some noise out of it.


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I plan on streaming my research soon so I thought I would respond.

Interesting topic and quite relevant.

Think of types of noise also as a possible filter; maybe certain types of noise are better in certain situations; brown, pink, white, cosmic; they could be used as a separate source for filtering besides (and/or along with) being the main input signal...or if you use the same noise filter type as your input noise the 2 noise signals will then cancel out (possibly) using comparator circuits (possibly as I havnt got this far yet) leaving the signal; this is also how a mixer works in a radio circuit.

Maybe the 2 noise sources should be mixed not compared; there are probly a few possibilities here.

As for pareidolia I really not only hate this term but am even offended by it's use; making people think that something is not tangible being so insignificant; let my provide a proof: it's called fractals and the theory of chaos.

Certain small insignificant 'things' can reproduce the same result(s) under certain circumstances; this happens in the areas of most instability where some stability criteria are met to create fractals (whether it be sounds, videos, electronics, whatever).

I am in hopes to create fractal noise; and believe me there are as many multidimensional and sub-dimensional (as in 1.2, 1.3 etc) fractals as there are random numbers in the universe.

There are in fact patterns to randomness and we need to find these insignificant others to produce the desired fractals or fractal noise to maximize output (of sorts actually).

The noise in the video seemed like filtered white noise.

I also will probly build a reciever for higher frequencies but there is a time element when dealing with outer space; if EVPs etc are local and/or inter-dimensional there is no need for a telescope; other than the possibility of intelligent alien life creating signals sent eons ago.

Noise is small insignificant particles important by themselves and in a group; nothing is pareidoliac when it comes to looking into the unkown.


Last edited on Jan 31st, 2015 07:53 PM by MrZeta

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