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Joined: Sep 16th, 2008
Location: Oregon USA
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1 , i notice that spin and shape may influence better outcome (sacred geometry maybe?)

i made a ghostbox with a round container, as spheres occur more in nature than squares.  i intend to find an old record player, to set it on top of at some point to generate some spin

.. i believe a pyramid shape will actually emit a little energy

2 .. i've thought of putting christmas lights in the ghostbox, as i noticed spirits seem to be attracted to christmas lights (during my december obe's usually)

3 , we know anyone can make a crystal radio, and hear a very faint station  ... so that suggests we need some type of amplification method to make the signal stronger ... i.e. coils, magnets, combined mental energy (the second is already in your speakers and microphones)

4. some types of material can vibrate at diferent levels of hz.  quartz crystal and others can be made to vibrate at whatever level .. if you run energy through them ... so if we could make a cylindrical spinning quartz tube, perhaps it could create a vortex tunnel for outer dimensional matter, sound, etc to pass through ... especially if electrified to the frequency of the other dimensions natural vibration

i have heard the western brain usually vibrates at 7.83hz in meditation (the schuman resonance) ... but some african/south ameican shaman get up past 40hz while acting as mediums etc ... so vibration experimentation may be needed

5.. i guess i've rambled enough for now.  thankyou, and i will try to post some of my  results when i get a chance.


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Location: Auburn, Washington USA
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We have been toying with natural conductors; water, wood, etc. I personally feel that water is going to be a huge key.



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Regan wrote: We have been toying with natural conductors; water, wood, etc. I personally feel that water is going to be a huge key.


ty i should try that i have a round container with a round spot in the center which would work well for holding water (found in 90% of everything on earth), .. that could be like a pattern fractal of a whirpool or galaxy, etc ... if spinning .. maybe blood even  :)

Attached Image (viewed 355 times):

9-18-2008 2-17-32 PM.jpg


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HOLY CRAP :blink: Those were my exact words: 90% of everything on this planet. But I typed it simplier. But yes, I think water would be the best conductor. So far we're using a sound effects device that has babbling brook, creeak, rain, ocean, etc.


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Regan wrote: HOLY CRAP :blink: Those were my exact words: 90% of everything on this planet. But I typed it simplier. But yes, I think water would be the best conductor. So far we're using a sound effects device that has babbling brook, creeak, rain, ocean, etc.
well i'll certainly try it .. i've been having a bit of a problem finding a portable record player, or centrifuge to do the spinning (one i don't have to plug in at the old abandoned buildings lol), but i suppose i'll just grab a regular one off craigslist for statrters


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Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
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I often wonder if people with water cooled PC towers are likely to experience hauntings. It's not quite the silly idea. Mostly, it would seem that people who enjoy such PC modifications are those who spend a lot of time at their computer and, so, must probably be those more susceptible to EMF energies and possible thoughts on being watched etc. But, could there be an ITC side effect from enclosing the electronics in a rapidly moving pool of water ! Got whirling water, got screen, got speakers - got spirits ? !

Water and spinning and record players and hmmm galaxy whirls and fractal patterns..these are really really interesting thoughts nerol.
One method may be to house any unit for recording and amplification within a spinning tube of water. I would think the crystal route would be a little prohibitive in the cost area, but ideally perhaps have a water chamber inside the spinning quartz tube. Inside that and electrically safe, might be a detuned radio, with recording chip.
The unit could be housed in a Faraday cage construction for even better living human based noise immunity.
Spinning at a start of say 6hz and having a simple dial to ramp the (some distance away) motor up to 40hz and above might give some results.

Another thought is a little more simplistic. Take a thermos flask and cut the bottom off (without smashing the glass). Fill the air chamber with water and seal the edging. Put a piece of foil under the top plastic screw, with the rest of the inside already being metal. Replace the bottom of the flask. You then have a shielded container working like a Faraday cage, with water surrounding ? The electronics would probably best fit by making the bottom easily opened and closed. You could then mount it on something looking like a roasting spit and spin the assembly at whatever frequency.
Bodum make table glasses that I believe are infact a plastic. They have 2 layers and work like a thermos flask.  One of those would seem to lend itself readily to a spinning water chamber.


Last edited on Sep 24th, 2008 11:17 AM by Slider2732


Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Ahh the Bodum Pavina.

Seems they are made of glass, oh well, the thought was there :blink:


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ya thank you for the input ... i guess the experiments are endless.

the only thing i wonder about, is that i have heard "water" acts as a barrier for some spirits, but then on the other hand, many spirits seem to get some use out of blood (a water fluid)

i'm so curious about all the secret tests and knowledge that i suspect governments and secret groups already have on this subject matter.


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Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
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I think water to be a carrier..air enables wind, earth enables solidity, fire brings everything above absolute zero. I might be having a science based Pagan moment lol

If water interacts, such as with the popular thought on moon cycles linking with menstruation, and certainly tides of the mind too, then it may carry spirit communications. Water might enable 'floating' energies, residual imprints. It may be our own body water that releases a trapped energy for playback and witnessing.

The right quantity of water may be a factor.  Too little and reception is weak, too much and waves are soaked in er waves. Part of our evolution may be based on reception qualities of the water we are made from. What are the best sizes for psychic mediums ? is there a correlation between body mass and psychic ability ?
Our minds might work like wave receivers and the best aerial we have is our own body water. The scaling of reception power and water required might be something to dive into :)


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Location: Auburn, Washington USA
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We're not so much using water, physically, with the devices, but the sounds of water. I have heard that water is a barrier as well, but the white noise of a creek, rainfall, ocean, etc, has seem to help.

Some of the best EVPs I have heard are outdoors, near a body of water.


Joined: Sep 16th, 2008
Location: Oregon USA
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re water: you may find this interesting if you haven't already seen it

... effects of emotion on frozen water crystals

btw i'm trying to do my own experiment with this live video feed  (some can't get the link to work) of a gallon of distilled water to see what effect mass positive consciousness might have on it

experimenting with weird lights under it too

Last edited on Oct 30th, 2008 08:41 PM by nerol

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
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Very interesting videos - I've heard of that work before.



Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Aha, the problem there Nerol, is that the URL is pointing at your own PC. is the location of my Router etc. So, what you have there is your own PC's way of finding the webpage.
I'd recommend somewhere like, they are free and with a couple of simple clicks your live stream can be being broadcast. We used them for about 2 years til our move to OK, for 24/7 live webcam streams (Cougar Cams if you ever tripped over it lol) and have always found Ustream to deliver a good reliable service.

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