View single post by mikesndbs
 Posted: Apr 17th, 2011 01:12 AM
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Joined: Nov 21st, 2009
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 182

After reading here about using phototransistors for EVP and seeing the article here:

I decided to give it a go.

I have the exact same recorder and so have copied exactly what the author did.

One discovery I have made is that the set up still can record audio! now, I am not sure if this is due to the internal microphone not being fully out of the circuit or if the phototransistor actually picks up audio.

Strange as it might seem I think it is the latter!

Here is a test I just made so you can judge.

Starts off with me speaking into the set up.

Then I hold the sensor in sunlight, compact fluorescent light, ambient room daylight, torch light.

Interesting that sun light seems to produce a more soft sound!

I shall be making some tests under differing light sources soon.