View single post by Old-Frank
 Posted: Apr 16th, 2011 07:06 PM
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Joined: Feb 23rd, 2007
Posts: 174
 I don't know if invent is the right word, it's a radio! You sweep the tuning, that generates bits of speech and other sounds, and the entities use that make voices.

 The concept is not new, an Danish researcher was suikng a similar method in th 80s, and even Tesla was doing something realted to this method.  According ot our patent office, Tesla invented radio.

 Really, it's a radio! Too bad some out there make all kinds of claims so they can get rich and famous. The thing now is to do "box readings", not that it doesn't work, but it can be a scam as well.

 If you were on facebook you might an idea of how fed up I am with all things paranormal, such as ghost hunting and the darkness involved.

