View single post by The Aqua View
 Posted: Apr 14th, 2011 09:04 PM
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The Aqua View


Sorry -  here's how the the conversation went:


Specifically: what I am talking about in the Rorke interview:

In the Hour 2 segment at about 9:03 ( nine minutes three seconds)  into the segment:  Dr. Rorke says:

"I consider them artifacts of auditory perception - yes?"

When he asks "yes" his voice changes as if answering a direct question.

The host says:  "yes definately" not realizing that Rorke is addressing another voice.

Rorke says:  "So did someone just say "Dr. Rorke" as if they had a big deal..might have been the board op.."

Host: I..... think it might have been...but.. then again..we don't know.."

Rorke: "hmmmmm"

Host: (moving forward) - you've brought us some clips..

(end of my point)

Anyway - just an interesting observation - give a listen everybody and post your thoughts.